jobs aint everything they seem to be

hey I need help it’s not that I’m ungrateful, but I have a job at a card shop at the weekends. its startin 2 do my edin. it’s all gals that work there but they are sooo bitchy and every body slags every1 off. yeh ok I know thats what gals do but even da boss does it. I aint a person 2 let peeps talk bout me so when someone tells me someone has said sumthing I ask them but they say no, no I didnt say that. but I know they blantly did. my boss recently called me a slag as well. we went out on a work do but there were sum lads there and me and this other gal started flirtin and now im da slag not da other gal what do I do? do I stay there and just put up with everything or do I leave? please elp me….. xXx

Answer #1

Ok, first of all not all women slag off and gossip. You have been unfortunate to have to work with women like that. It can be hard having to put up with nonsense like that when you aren’t like that or like those things. Try to stay out of the gossip and maybe they’ll leave you alone. However, if you can’t or they continue to gossip and it bothers you then leave. If you are that unhappy at a job then it’s not worth it to spend your days there.

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