Is it cheating? Did I honor myself and my marriage?

OK here is the thing… I have been married almost 4 years but with my husband almost 7. recently I was in contact with an ex boyfreind from 17 - 18 years ago. We talked about old times, our kids our lives, where we had gone, old freinds… Days later the conversation starting turning different and he wanted to meet. I did soul serching and even though my husband has cheated on me while we where living together not really married at the time) I didnt want to be in teh wrong… so I just made up excuses with my ex to not return phone calls or emails… Well my husband logged in and searched old email and found the letters. NOw he says I was cheating…. Distroyed our relation ship…. I f’d up… I talked to my ex out of curiosity… I didnt meet with him even though he came to town… My husband feels I just sould have put him in his place but I didnt… I always take the least conflictive approuch… I ignored himm and he douesnt contact me anymore… This all took place in a bad place in my marriag my husband wanted a divorce during this time… and It talstd a total of 13 days… about 6 email messages and a couple of phone calls. Agin the las 7 days when my ex started talking sexual and about wanting to meet I just didnt answer. I feel I was fair to my marriage. I didnt cross the line of sexual talk or meeting him… But my Husband is saying I am a cheater and lier…

Answer #1

i think he is very insercure of himself and like he cheated in the past he feels like you want to get back at him or he’s just using it as an excuseto bring up divorce.

Answer #2

No, you are not a cheater and not a lier. You just met an old friend and it is not prohibited at all to preserve a nice friendship from an old love. This is why it is worthy to be a human, and all of us should do this. But you will never convince your husband about this :))

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice