How can I get my parents to like my boyfriend?

My parents, well my Dad thinks that my boyfriend is abusive but isn’t at all, Dad even went to the extreme as to take at him and shove him!! I was so mortified, I have no idea how to tell my parents that he is the most amazing guy ever and that that he worships the ground I walk on and even though we fight it’s normal and it’s nothing serious. I have even been mad to choose to be with him or get kicked out of my house, so I left but I just wish my parents would listen to me, What should I do?

Answer #1

Well, you know, maybe your boyfriend isn’t abusive. Maybe it’s just the fact that your parents are worried sick about you and they are still in the phase of being overprotective, cause they think you’re still TOO YOUNg to have a boyfriend. But leaving the house was worng. You gotta go back there and confess to your parents that it was a mistake to leave them. Talk to them and tell them everything you feel and you will find that it will trun out not so bad after all. Just go to them, and open your heart to tell them how you really feel about this whole situation and seeing they are your parents, they’ll understand deeply.

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