Big problemo!

Ok so I asked this guy out that I really like…but he said no because he recently desided to ask another girl out, but then two days later I found out that he chaged his mind and that he’s not asking the other girl out anymore…but the thing is…he still doesn’t want to go out w/ me…he’s the only guy thats ever turned me down…what do I do to win over his heart?

Answer #1

Probably he wants to go out with you but his scared you might cheat on him. Or he wants to be the first guy to turn you down i know sounds stupid but thats how some guys are in this days

Answer #2

You seem to be the type who wants what they can’t get. Its best if you move on, if you have only been turned down by this one guy, you surely will find someone else who likes you back.

Answer #3

you have to get over him try to find some else it will be hard for me its easy for me to find someone else

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