Should I do it with him?

Ok so today we got into a dicussin and I told him that he doesn’t have as sex life and he’s 17, he tells me I don’t have one either and he tells me that well if I wasn’t scared that we could create one. Well I told him that I’m not scared it’s just that if we did it then it might not even mean anything to him but it will to me and then it will cause me to think about our pass and make me start the cryiing phase again. What should I do? Should I have sex with him or not?

Answer #1

if this is your first time then you need to make sure that you really love this guy and he feels the same!!!! because girls when they have sex for the first time it is like emotional!!! but with guys its like joining manhood or something!!!! make sure this guy isn’t a A**hole because my first time was with someone that just wanted that!!! it was hard for me afterwards because he was being a butt and a jerk and everything!!! JUST MAKE SURE HE’S NOT LIKE THAT YA’LL NEED TO SIT DOWN AND TALK!!!!

Answer #2

is it ur 1st tym havin sex if it is it is always scary n by da sounds of it e is just pushin da blame on 2 u 4 ur sex life at da moment. by da sounds of it sumfin as appened in da past. fink through by ur self do u want 2 hav a sex life wiv im. bcuz frm wot u hav written it seems ur havin second thoughts. hav sex wiv im if u feel u want 2. if ur scared ur goin 2 b used ask im out rite. if e ums n erms dnt sleep wiv im bcuz e will just use u. i ope i hav elped but u dnt hav 2 take my advice if u dnt want 2

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice