my boyfriend tryed kissing my friend

I caught my boyfriend and my best friend in my kitchen at 3:00 in the morning in the dark……when i walked sround the corner to go into the kitchen he was leaning in to kiss her and then he saw me and jumped!!!!!!What should i do? should i take him back? am i over reacting since nothing really did happen?

Answer #1

let him go. He is olbviously cheating on you or was attempting to cheat. The mere fact that it was 3 am, dark and he jumped shows that he was guilty of somthing. PLUS U SAW HIM IN THE ACT!! Now Im not sure if your frind was into it or tried to kiss him back. Whether she did or not what were they doing by themselves in the dark?? Are you sure that they haven’t been seeing each other? If I were you I would kick him to the curb and seriously ask my friend whats up and what is really going. If she has been unfaithful 2 u as a BEST FRIEND that I would let her go as well. People say oh thats my friend and boys come and go, but whose to tell if she will do it again. IF SHE DID ANYTHING. Just think smart. Good Luk

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