Questions & Answers

  1. What does "decapitated" mean?
  2. What kind of trees are in Siskiyou Mountain Park, in Ashland Oregon?
  3. Where can I find a play or something with acting in it in PA that I can audition to?
  4. When did William King become the first governor of Maine?
  5. What is a flague?
  6. Why do you get a white patch between your eyebrows whenever you wax?
  7. How many meals do you eat, and when and what?
  8. How did the death of Pim Fortuyn affect the politics in The Netherlands?
  9. Can you use re-gen oil (same as bio oil) on your face?
  10. What are the four basic uses of energy produced by respiration?
  11. When you take in your prescription for a handicap sticker to the DMV do they charge you for the thing you hang in your window?
  12. How to get rid of this yellow little bump on my tongue?
  13. What can I do to help my little sister when she is being bullied?
  14. What is a good theme for my 34th birthday party?
  15. Is it illegal to drive and talk on a cell phone in the state of Ohio?
  16. What are the music notes for Heart and Soul?
  17. How can I stretch out my lower back?
  18. What is the beautifully haunting song TCM plays for TCM remembers?
  19. What household products can I mix together for a sleep aid to help me feel sleepy?
  20. What does 'You're the Hitler to my holocaust' mean?
  21. Is taking Gravol to get to sleep really bad?
  22. Does Vons or Smiths or any store like that have cameras in a security room?
  23. Can Reebok ReeTone shoes be used by boys, or is it only for girls?
  24. What can I substitute for Corn flour in a flour-pattie recipe?
  25. How do I become a merch girl for a band?
  26. What do you guys think of Lady Gaga's new hairstyle?
  27. Why do people always tell others to take a picture smiling?
  28. Why are some people born with one eye being one color and the other eye being a different color?
  29. Do you ever find that your Religious Education services are there mostly to make money and to send kids to private school?
  30. What foods should I eat as I age to make my bones stronger?
  31. Can being sick delay a period or do you still get it?
  32. How is it the scale says I gained 2 pounds when I only had 800 calories that day?
  33. How much water should an average person drink daily?
  34. Are sea slugs dangerous/poisonous?
  35. Does anyone know if there's a way to get a wig made for someone in particular?
  36. what will the hospital do for my mental illness?
  37. What happens throughout the book "Jean Val Jean"?
  38. Is it better to dye your hair when it's clean or dirty?
  39. Which is your favourite peanut butter to put on a sandwich - creamy, crunchy, or extra crunchy?
  40. How do you finish your How To?
  41. Why do I have a burn in my upper left side back?
  42. What is a song that would almost describe your life?
  43. Are suits with skinny jeans hot?
  44. Should guys wear foundation?
  45. How to make a awesome, cheap spider costume?
  46. How to get curly hair to shine?
  47. Is it normal to feel nauseous after sex?
  48. Is there anything in chalk that can hurt you?
  49. What's the name of the film that stars Shia LeBeouf and an older woman?
  50. What are some conspiracy theories (if there are any) surrounding Michael Jackson's death?
  51. What do gyms provide in a membership pack?
  52. What should I name my powerpoint about teen dating violence?
  53. What are those mini snail things on the inside of a fish tank?
  54. could i be bulimic even if ive only purged once?
  55. What is going to happen with the T-Mobile customers now that AT&T has bought them?
  56. How many calories should a woman have if they are not active at all?
  57. What does it mean when a lady who has given birth is "churched"?
  58. What does it mean when people say Charlie Sheen is "winning"?
  59. What are some ways to put fear into a child, if the child is bigger than you and they use that to their advantage to try and bully you around?
  60. Is there any way to bring a family member from Ethiopia?
  61. What do you think about wholesale food prices having their biggest increase in 36 years?
  62. Can I get financial aid if I have a 5 year old felony charge on my record?
  63. Can you take a pregnancy test while you're sick with the flu?
  64. Who has heard about an Italian scientist/engineer named Andrea Rossi?
  65. How would you go about making the hair under your leg invisible?
  66. What are some ways to reduce bloating during your menstrual cycle?
  67. What movies are coming out in theaters in the next week?
  68. What is the difference between Chevy and GMC?
  69. Would you choose trial by judge or jury if you had to go to trial, and why?
  70. What are some ways I can cut down the time on blow drying my hair?
  71. What do you think of the series Being Human?
  72. What's that one Lucille Ball movie where she always said, "I have 8 children"?
  73. Who thinks is a fraudulent company?
  74. Can you get ring-tones on a phone that doesn't have web access?
  75. What happens if an 18 year old boy gets a 15 year old girl pregnant in Scotland?
  76. What is a good product that I can spray on my wavy/straight hair to make it curly?
  77. Is it okay if I exercise before I go to bed?
  78. How can you make yourself look more like a Border Collie (it's for a school play)?
  79. What works better - skin glue or stitches?
  80. How many people die from alcohol or alcohol related incidents every year in the US?
  81. Does anybody know how many words they can type in a minute?
  82. Is it true you can burn calories by laughing?
  83. How do I get rid of a migraine without drugs ?
  84. When you apply for a job online does it matter the time you apply?
  85. What is with this duck face trend?
  86. Who is the black guy in Rebecca Black's video "Friday"?
  87. What should I buy (when they're released) 3DS or NGP?
  88. Why do I get dry skin under my nose?
  89. Why did I suddenly get a random music file on my mp3?
  90. How do you grab that asteroid from Black Ops?
  91. How do you get rid of a water-logged ear?
  92. Have you ever stopped eating a food because of it's nutritional content?
  93. How many calories does a chocolate brownie with chocolate frosting on top have?
  94. Why can I see some of the veins in my arms, legs, and feet when they're in water?
  95. What are some classic books that are a must?
  96. Why are you not supposed to break pills in half?
  97. How do you get rid of heat spots?
  98. Why did I faint?
  99. Are blonds really that dumb?
  100. What are some good art schools located in America - preferably the west coast?