Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. What christ's crucifiction is like?
  2. Christian beliefs of an afterlife
  3. Why are biblical religions so negative toward witches?
  4. Is being gay against the bible?
  5. How can I learn more about Jesus and christianity
  6. What does the bible say about women pursuing relationships?
  7. Questions about Christianity
  8. Here's a thought for all believers.
  9. Is this before Christ or after death?
  10. Does anyone know where to find this in the Bible?
  11. Are ghosts real?
  12. Why was Jesus crucified?
  13. Difference between Allah and God?
  14. Did God create humans?
  15. Scared, is this a sign?
  16. Gay marriage ban overturned in California
  17. Is flyleaf under the category of christian?
  18. Does the way rosary beads look make a difference?
  19. What are rosary beads used for?
  20. In the Middle of everything.
  21. Abortion and the bible
  22. What's a good Bible to buy?
  23. Athiest quote.
  24. Can Christ, God, and Reincarnation coexist?
  25. Would we still have a chance if we were left behind?
  26. Christians who believe in the 10 Commandments...
  27. What is up with the Wiccan religion?
  28. Where was Jesus from age 12 to 30?
  29. Do ghosts scare anyone?
  30. Straying from god
  31. Is my french classroom haunted?
  32. I'm Jewish, what to do when people joke about my religion?
  33. Did jesus exist?
  34. How do I keep my faith strong?
  35. Why does Religion cause so much pain
  36. Where do we go after we die?
  37. What is the difference between a Messianic Christian and a
  38. what does white protestant mean??
  39. Which president was unmarried?
  40. Does God want us to be zealous?
  41. Why do people not think Mormons are Christians?
  42. Why is religion so important?
  43. Why Do People Choose To Worship Satan?
  44. Testing of Jesus
  45. Jesus's first message?
  46. What is the point of going through life if there is no afterlife?
  47. What Are Your Thoughts on Pantheistic Beliefs
  48. Wondering how the bible can't be proof of god's existence
  49. Question for athiests
  50. Who believes in astrology?
  51. Describe your religion briefly
  52. When it comes to religion, how do you begin?
  53. Why does everyone think that christians live by blind faith?
  54. Did God create us before we were born?
  55. Hell in the center of the Earth?
  56. The Ten Commandments.
  57. Any websites where I can find the bible?
  58. Do you think there is a right religion?
  59. Why do people fold their hands when they pray?
  60. Baptism,1st communion and marriage?
  61. Favorite hymns?
  62. How come Cathlics baptize infants?
  63. Ghostly encounter?
  64. If there is a god will I go to hell?
  65. Would you consider Taoism a religion?
  66. I find it difficult to understand the Bible
  67. Is anyone here agnostic?
  68. Any buddhists out there?
  69. May I Ask what LDS stands for?
  70. If I wasn't LDS, could I be Atheist?
  71. Does your Pastor counsel you?
  72. Does your church have Fast and testimony?
  73. Do you all pay tithing?
  74. Is robbery a sin?
  75. Catholic Church
  76. Religion should be spontaneous?
  77. Woman have blind faith?
  78. If you weren't your current religion, which one would you be?
  79. If christianity was proven wrong, who would still believe?
  80. Why can't we all just get along?
  81. Is your Pastor racist?
  82. What do people do with divorce and the Catholic Church?
  83. Rules for divorce cases by catholic churches?
  84. Reason for being saved?
  85. Does anyone repent for their sins?
  86. What's the difference between bible churches and regular churches?
  87. What are the Sacraments of the Cathlic Church?
  88. Faith in God?
  89. Who believes in the big bang?
  90. Has anyone seen a ghost?
  91. What made you convert from religion to non-religion?
  92. Interpretation of God never said thou shalt not lie in proximity?
  93. Santeria Wedding
  94. Why are so many christian rituals the same as pagan ones?
  95. No respect for my religion
  96. Was Darwin the Anti-Christ?
  97. When and how do you think the world will end?
  98. What is christian courtship?
  99. Dating Vs (Christian) Courtship
  100. Do you belive in black magic?