In the Middle of everything.

If they say heaven is situated above the clouds and heaven reigns in the sky, and after you die their will be a stairway leading you to the gates of heaven and you would have to climb the rungs to the very top. If you go to hell, uhhh yeah, thats hell. But if you commit sins in your life—>then you go to hell? and if you are a good person—>then you go to heaven…? right,. and if you’re a good and bad person well—>theres no solution. What happens then? Heres a little rolepay I want you to make sense of: God: Have you commited any sins in your life? dead person: Yes I have. I have murdered too many times and I’m sorry. —>what happens then? Does he go to hell anyway? or does God classify him as a good person because he was honest and asked for forgivness. Imagine you were half way up the stairway leading you to heavens gate and the stairway stopped half way because you were a sinner but also a good person. Would you be standing their for the rest of your afterlife?

uhhh..tell me your views. because I’m confused.

Answer #1

Heaven certainly isn’t in the sky. It suited people centuries ago to think of it that way, but we’ve been way up there now and know it’s not a case of Heaven Up, Hell Down. I’m a Christian and I believe that there are other dimentions (spiritual ones) and that’s where Heaven and Hell are. Heaven and Earth and all creation are where God is. Hell is the one place where God isn’t. I’m not keen to visit somewhere outside God’s love.

Answer #2

I went back and read some of the answers.

Kcblayer’s answer just makes my blood boil and to comment on her answer would just take up too much of my precious time and put me in a negative frame of mind, but…I can’t help it, I do have one thing to ask you. I tried to send mail but it wouldn’t go. Here goes’’’ To Kcblayer… So you’re saying that if someone lived in Africa and didn’t know anything about Heaven, Hell or God, that they would go to Heaven because they didn’t know about sins. Then you say ‘Unless someone told them’. Is that why Christians go around spreading the word…to make sure everyone knows and they wouldn’t have a chance of just going to Heaven as they would have before you told them? WOW!

To mjax1979…I love what you say in your answer…

‘So to sum it up, heaven, hell, and the afterlife don’t actually exist except in the human imagination. And there is not a shred of proof to the contrary.’

It couldn’t be stated better.

I’m not so bold as to say whether there is a God or not (that’s why I’m Agnostic) but I can say that I have never worried about whether I was going to Heaven or Hell. I figure that if there IS a God and he or she is good, than a person who is a good person would go to Heaven (that being me) and if there’s a God that is as Christians describe, I wouldn’t want to believe in someone that is so cruel.

Answer #3

In the christain religion (which is any religion that beleives that Jesus is the son of god) there is a place called purgatory. That is the inbetween place. It is sort of like detention. After spending a long time in purgatory, if you are really sorry for your sins, you will go to heaven. If you havent learned your lesson, or you think what you did in your sins was right to do, you will go to hell.

Answer #4

you can be a good person and still go to hell jesus is the way to heaven except him as your lord and savior all you do is have to ask for forgivness nothing is to big for god to handle it is so many people that have done so much wrong but GOD STILL FORGAVE THEM HE LOVES US ALL SO JUST ASK FOR FORGIVENESS AND REALLY MEAN IT!!!

Answer #5

You know, astronauts have actually been beyond the clouds, and there’s no-one living up in the sky.

To the ancients who invented your theology, they did not view heaven (aka ‘the sky’) as some metaphysical realm, but literally believed gods lived in the sky.

Answer #6

I really believe that angels come and get our spirit, when it leaves our bodies.

And that God is fair, just, reasonable, and holy.

He judges the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Answer #7

“This is what I know t be true: God being pure cannot even look upon sin “

So you pretty much just cut and paste this answer, right?

Anyway, to answer the original question, the afterlife is a human invention. In early society, I think people were confused and uncertain about death and whether it was really the end of a person’s life or the beginning of something different. Obviously, if someone you love dies, you want to think you can see them again. If somebody you hate dies, you hope that they did not escape justice for their actions just by dying. And, as the human brain developed and got more complex, it was capable of thinking abstractly about what happens to a person after they die.

Take these primitive thoughts and fast forward them a few centuries, and you have the beginnings of human religion and concepts of the afterlife as a place where people go when they die. The belief that we are judged when we die was something that every ancient society thought to be true.

But the reality is, no one has ever experienced life after death, and then lived to tell about it. Thousands of people claim to have visited the afterlife when they were pronounced dead and then revived. But what’s interesting about all of these “near death experiences” is that they all use images from the person’s culture. In other words, the NDE of a Westerner, an African, and an East Asian all incorporate imagery from the religions they grew up with, meaning they are more likely caused by the firing of random neurons. Scientific tests have shown that NDE’s are little more than chemical reactions in the brain.

So to sum it up, heaven, hell, and the afterlife don’t actually exist except in the human imagination. And there is not a shred of proof to the contrary.

Answer #8

Alright; going to heaven has nothing to do with being a good or bad person. For some it may but I’ll get back to that. God came down- sent his son to die an awful death on the cross so that everytime that we sinned all we would have to do is ask GOD for frogiveness. But the catch is you have to try. If you sin and you know that you are sinning and you continue to sin and not feel bad or repent thats when the trouble happens. Getting to heaven is all about preaching the good news!! That GOD sent his son jesus to die for us so that we could go to heaven one day and be with him! And to follow him and do your best (keep as close to the 10 commandments as possible). If you grow up in like africa and you had no idea that there was a god and you die your not going to hell becuase you didn’t know–same things with babies. Its when you know or someone has mentioned god to you is when god expects you to follow him. To god a lie is just as bad as killing someone a sin is a sin. But GOD is also a forgiving god. You could be on death row and if you pray to god and truly say that you are sorry and ask for forgiveness and truly try to do gods goodwill than your good and you can die the next second. I hope this works our for you. God is sooo good and he loves us all. He sent jesus to die on the cross becuase he knew that nobody is perfect and that it was GOING TO BE HARD. because when there is a hero (GOD) there is a villian (SATAN) and he is going to do anything in his power to keep you from gods love and grace. Its not aobut being a good or bad person its about lovng GOD and we all are going to make mistakes but you have to go to god with those and place all of your burdens onto him becuase he ASKED us to! LOVE GOD LOVE PEOPLE LOVE LIFE!!

if you have any questions–e-mail or funmail–I just started really using this so I dont know but yeah get back at me!

ill be praying for you! god bless

Answer #9

One more thing…amblessed…if God loved me so… then why are my son disabled? Why do I have COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) otherwise known as Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis, Hepatitis C (from a blood transfusion), Scoliosis, Peripheral Neurapathy, Interstitial Cystitis, Hyatel Hernia, the list goes on. I’m on Oxygen 24 hrs a day. use a Nebulizer every 5 hrs, have to use a Bi-Pap machine. My son has more illnesses and some that can’t be diagnosed. Even our cat (which we aren’t supposed to have but he has no one else) has just had surgery to remove one of his eyes and has Artritis. We have to take care of each other in a small duplex apartment. Should I feel blessed because I’m still alive?

Answer #10

I have only read a couple answers so I don’t know if I’m repeating but let me start off by saying damn katwoman you have been dealt a rough hand in life… Anyway, my view on the whole situation… I came upon this while I was on one hell of an acid bender but it seems to make a lot of sense. I am a spiritual person and I do believe in god, heaven, hell, the bible, all of that. But I started taking a little different perspective. If you are a good person and have good thoughts and beliefs you will now doubt end up in heaven. No matter your religion. If you are demented, messed up, want to hurt small animals, murder people, etc. Not a good person, you will end up in hell. Pretty straight forward I know, but this is the kicker, my heaven and your heaven will be completely different, you will not be in mine, I will not be in yours. Heaven is what your mind percives it as. Everything you loved in life, everything that made you happy will be there. That is why you will see all the people that have passed before you exactly the way you remember them. The twisted things that go through a bad persons head is exactly where they will end up, fire, torture, pain… Do you kind of understand what I’m trying to say? I hope so!

Answer #11

I haven’t read the previous answers but this is what I think, for what it’s worth…

Are you asking…Where does God draw the line?

First, there is no God up in the clouds and so there is no ladder to take people there.

Everyone has their own beliefs (whether there is a God or not) but I just think that the best we can do is to try and be the best person we can be and hope for the best. That’s really all we can do. Don’t stress out about it.

Answer #12

This is what I know t be true: God being pure cannot even look upon sin - man, even in his very best state is a sinner - on judgement day, either: your sins are covered by the blood-shed sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross (salvation and only salvation - being a nice person isn’t good enough - even at our very best, we are but filthy rags), and remembered no more or they are not (your sins are not covered) - where God’s great love comes into play is, He provided a WAY (Jesus) for us not to perish and live in Heaven with Him (He certainly didn’t have to do this but did because He loved us so) - if you read carefully John 3:16, this is exactly what it says - each person will either accept or reject, you must decide for yourself and yes, it’s so important, it has eternal consequences - He Loves you and wants you to accept God’s free gift to man - Jesus…I hope this helps you !

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