Ghostly encounter?

Okay well yesterday I had somewhat of a ghostly encounter I was on my bed and suddenly the lights start switching on and off I was like what the f*ck! And now I remembered that everyone has been saying that I have been acting really different lately like if something had happend 2 me could this have something to do with it or what?please help me!

Answer #1

Well,I’ve never seen any actual proof of ghosts,so I myself don’t believe in them

If they are real, don’t you think they’d have better stuff to do than flick your light switches??

Actually lights flickering on and off are not at all paranormal, and can easily be explained via power surges, temporary power drain, etc etc.

Electricity, and electronics, are all unstable and go a little nuts every once in a while.

Of course if you want to believe ghosts exist, your mind will take anything you can’t explain and turn it into “ghosts did it”

If you believed in(or wanted to, or thought they were visiting) Aliens, you’d be asking “Did aliens turn my lights off”

So no, a light going on or off doesn’t mean anything paranormal. It happens, in new houses, in old houses, in middle aged houses. Electricity isn’t stable 100% of the time, despite what protective measures they are in place today(My cousin has been an electrician for 35 years, and has explained everything that people attribute to “ghosts” messing with electricity.

If you were to have a “ghostly encounter” I imagine you’d see a naked spirit (when you die, your clothes obviously don’t go with your spirit, I mean come on, clothes are physical, souls are spiritual). I know if I were a ghost, I’d float my spirit butt to the bahamas. My family would get to me eventually and all I would have is time, so I wouldn’t need to stress them out by “haunting” them.

Answer #2

a few things to clear up hear for one those of you who say ghosts arent real thats great and all if you believe that but dont sit there and say it as though its a fact because many people have experience things to call millions of people liars because YOU havent experienced something seems honestly to me selfish not to mention closed minded and also funadvice I dont know where you heard only bad spirits communicate through ouija boards but that is NOT true any spirit can communicate through these although yes many spirits are bad doesnt mean only bad one communicate with people and also you cant believe everything a ouija board says cause they tend to lie often I’ve used a ouija board with friends many times and no “bad” spirits came in yes a few were liars and quite rude but thats as bad as it gets also I consulted my mother (a well practiced wiccan for 20 years) about them all she said was be sometimes not always but often yes.and about the lights its a small chance the lights were anything paranormal spirits would find more clear ways of communicating with someone other than lights and to be honest the whole light story to me in my opinion sound just a little cleche

Answer #3

Heck to be on the safe side sprinkle salt in front of the door and open the window then say I command you to leave, you have passed on to the other side and I don’t want you here: say it ina strong tone and make sure the window is open wait a few minutes then close the window and put the salt in front of the window. That should take care of any kind of ghost…I would tell you real stories of my own experiences but it would take a lot of your time…

You could wait to see if it happens again and then get out the salt.

Answer #4

If you’ve been acting unusual lately, you may be experiencing false memories or lucid dreams - or possibly even hallucinating. Rather than chock it up to a ghost, you might want to talk to a professional.

Answer #5

it might you know! Or you might never know! Like try to act like urself. Maybe stay the night w/ one or your friends or something!

Answer #6

wow how bout this astral projection that right there I guess doesnt necesarilly prove it but seeing as I can do it is proof enough for me hahahaha once again you state your opinions as facts and are known to be wrong in fact I garuntee one day you will feel very foolish lol its closed minded people such as yourself that have absolutely no spirituality about them its sad really to be so out of touch its quite the tear jerker but eh what ev your loss and to be honest I dont think that show is true any ways I know like 90 percent of peeps lie but ya know that dont mean they all do so bye

Answer #7

ghosts are just a myth that someone made up to explain things… all it is is someone wanting to believe that theres life after death but isnt a Christian so they made this up…its retarded. what are the chances of someone making something [ghosts] up and then there actually BEING ghosts? thats like saying oh I think purple dogs that sing the egyptian national anthem actually exist and then that spreads over the world and soon every time the egyptian national anthem is played people thinking that the purple dogs are singing. retarded I know but so are ghosts. theyre a figment of imagination.

Answer #8

ghosts are real. I believe in them and can tell u, theyre not all bad. you sed to have a ouija board but threw it away because that only lets you commincate wit bad spirits. I happen to have a spirit haunting my room. my dads boss is a part time ghost hunter and went all over england or w/e and actually found ghosts. a relle awesome show is A Haunting. its on discovery channel and I don’t know about weekends, but its on from 2:30 to 4:30 on weekdays. ill bet your acting weird has EVERYTHING to do wit theses spirits. your probably having a premontion of some sort or are jsut being haunted. thats all I can say now but if you have any other questions, shoot!

Answer #9

Go to You Tube and search for ‘I see ghost image of jesus gife”

Answer #10

“many people have experience things to call millions of people liars because YOU havent experienced something seems honestly to me selfish not to mention closed minded “

Most people in ancient times also believed the sun was a living god who had to be appeased and worshipped or else it wouldn’t rise into the sky every day. Is it closed-minded to say this is a false belief even though it was a major part of the lives of thousands of people?

Not only has no one ever proven the existence of ghosts, but in the vast majority of cases, there have been alternative explanations for what a person was seeing or experiencing, including this case.

Answer #11

I believ that they are not goasts but demands what you should try and do is look up on the computer how to rebuke them and pray every night Jesus will take the bad Demands away keep crosses in your house and pictures of Jesus the devil and his servents run from even his name

Answer #12

Oh, I’ve experienced things I couldn’t at the time explain, and in fact used to believe in ghosts…that is until everything I felt or any “evidence” I had got proven not to be anything supernatural. In fact, there has never been actual scientific data to confirm the existence of anything supernatural. If you have proof of ghosts though,contact James Randi, as he has a 1million dollars for anyone that can scientifically prove the existence of anything supernatural. As far as the Ouija boards go, they don’t contact squat. How can you trust something made by milton bradley? If you want to put Ouija boards to the test, try this. Have a few friends over, at least 1 of them being a skeptic. Blindfold everyone except the skeptic friend(he won’t actually be taking part of the “ouija ceremony”) Once everyone is blindfolded, have your friend rotate the board a few times and leave it in a direction unknown to anyone, and again make sure those blindfolds are good and tight(or use hoods, just make sure you can breathe through them). This works best if the people don’t actually know the board is being rotated.

Now watch and see what happens. Oh my god, the thing moves to where yes and no, and letters…would be if the board was left unmoved and in the right position.

There have been countless studies on the Ouija board that completely debunk it. When you get a group of friends together(as is usuall required for the Ouija board) the emotional expectations and mood are so overpowering that the brain does not want the expectations to fall short. In effect, you, The people touching the device actually move it, but do not at all realize you are. The brain cuts out the feeling and knowledge that you are moving the board, so that it seems as if some supernatual force is.

If that’s not good enough for ya, let’s think logically about this. We’re all going to die eventually. To a “ghost” or other eternal being, 50 or 60 years would only seem like a few days. Why would the waste those few days trying to contact somewhen, when they could float off to the bahamas and enjoy the sunset?

Why are these “ghosts” that everyone sees always wearing clothes of some sort. Clothes aren’t spiritual energy, they are physical molecules. Clothes don’t die with you. Wouldn’t all these ghosts be naked? Why would the even need clothes as a ghost? They’re dead, what would they care if someone saw their taboo parts. What about “ghosts” seen in countires where nudity isn’t taboo and there is nothing wrong with it, they certainly wouldn’t be wearing clothes, but for some reason always are.

Here’s some more explanation for you. The human body and brain are not meant to detect small temperature changes, tiny gusts of wind off in the distance, light touching sensations(think of how often you feel a mesquito land on you, never. You don’t notice them till they bite you)

Because of this, WHEN it does happen (you notice one of these minute changes) your mind overreacts and can’t explain why you’re noticing this. That leads to the feeling like “you aren’t alone” or that you felt something touching you that wasn’t there.

Here’s some more. The eyes. The human eyes constantly play tricks on you. Just look at the deja vu effect and how often it happens. Peripheral vision in humans is nowhere near perfect, and also lacks depth perception. Because of this, if out of the corner of your eye, you catch a shape, any almost human like shape will do, no matter how far off in the distance, once your brain realizes it saw something (split second reaction) your eyes move to try and find it again, and may shift to looking for what you’ve just “seen” several times before you become conciously aware you saw something. This something could be as simple as a shadow of a tree wayyy of in the distance that resembles a person, remember peripheral vision has almost no depth perception what so ever. Now because your eyes shifted focus on and off the object several times before you were made conciously aware of it, it apears as if it were moving. We’ve all done it, though we’ve seen a shadow or something run past. Because of the lack of depth perception, the brain will usually register it as being a lot closer than it actually is.

Ok, on to “ghost hunters”. Science has officially denounced any “paranormal scientist” so many times it’s not funny. Such a combination of words is what we call an oxymoron. Paranormal Science, in fact, has NOTHING do to with real science at all. Paranormal science and investigation are terms that someone will use to sound more scientific, and therefore believable. They will constantly use words that sound scientific, be it in the right context or not, and use “gadgets” which actually prove nothing at all to look as though they are conducting a scientific experiment. All scientific experiments have a few things in common. They require variables, controls, and the ability to recreate the exact same effect multiple times in order for something to be deemed factual. Using an electromagnetic sensor and stating because the little needle went up in a place where I can’t explain why it would go up, so it must be something supernatural is the biggest load of BS anywhere. Houses and buildings, even abandoned ones, are full of electric wiring. People have watches,cell phones, cameras, tape recorders on them, all using electricity. Any time a “paranormal scientist” says “There’s no electronic equipment in this spot, but the meter is going up, something freaky is happening” they are full of crap. electric wiring and devices give off electromagnetic radiation in all directions, and depending on the variables(what is blocking the path of the radiation etc) the distance even a minute amount of electricity that can be detected can go for quite a distance. Not to mention the ground itself absorbs electricity from houses, lightning strikes, people, and anything else. This makes the use of an electromagnetic meter in all circumstances but the most controlled completely useless.

Speaking of electronics in general, they aren’t 100% stable. They do wierd crap from time to time. I had a microwave that 99% of the time worked fine, but to to an almost undetectable short(I found this out due to that particular model having a bulliten put out by General Electrics) it would start up by itself, would not turn off, would beep, all sorts of crazy crap. My first thought was actually “my microwave is haunted, something is turning it on,blah blah blah”. Then I did the research on it(and found said bulliten) about how in the keypad, sometimes a minor short would occur which would cause all of the above symptoms, in any and every combination of how they occured, completely randomly. (A vibration in the ground, undetectable to humans, could set the thing off). See how something went from “haunted” to “defective” real quick. It didn’t happen very often, in fact 3 years ago it did all of that crazy stuff, then didn’t do it again for almost 2 years. electronics are glitchy. Sometimes a glitch might happen once, sometimes countless times. This explains every single occurance of real “malfunctioning for no reason” electronics ever. Ghosts are not real, all scientific evidence to date say so. Therefore in this case, I can say “ghosts do not exist” because…well, ghosts do not exist. Now, for those who are “true believers” of ghosts, because you want to believe in them so bad, no matter what anybody shows you or tells you(god his/herself could come down and say ghosts aren’t real, and you’d still doubt it) you aren’t going to listen to any of this. You will believe what you want to believe, no matter how foolish it is. This long rant was meant to help anyone, however who is on the fence and hasn’t yet “fallen to the darkside”. The brain makes up and believes what it wants to, despite facts and evidence(there are still people that think O.J. didn’t do it, for gods sake, heck, there are people that believe the Holocaust never happened, even after germany formally apologized to the Jews for what had happened) And unfortunately for for you ghost believers, this is the category you fall into. I view everything objectionably and with an open mind at first, until proper evidence has been shown to me to make a decision. As stated, in my life I have experienced many many things that I used to attribute to “ghosts” and “paranormal activity”. However once everything was explained and shown, through real science, to prove the nonexistence of the paranormal, I logically had to take that side.

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