Is anyone here agnostic?

Who thinks this is a lazy persons religion? HA, I’m agnostic, I really am, and have been since I was 13.

Answer #1

jimahl said “”Technically, everyone is agnostic, since no one KNOWS absolutely if there is or isn’t a god. Either you believe or don’t, but it is ultimately unknowable. So we are all agnotic, and after that we are either theists or atheists.”

Not so jimahl, not everybody is agnostic, because some of us know absolutely that God exists. Like me…I know God is real even if you don’t want to know Him, doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t.

Nobody can prove to another person that God exists…it’s impossible. God is for each and everyone of us to accept or reject whatever they desire to do; it’s all up to you.

Just look at what God has created. How can human soup make ten thousands taste buds on our tongues that are individually connected to the brain center, which allows us to taste sweet, sour, salty . . .or how about the hand or the elbow, or the eye! Each and everyone of these priceless body parts are loaded with miracle after miracle…

How long do you think it would take to put together an alarm clock, you know the wind up kind; if taken apart, thrown into a paper bag and shaken until it’s all put back together and working? A couple thousand years? Millions of years? Ok, notw think about the human brain…

God is the Designer and Creator not a big explosion.

Answer #2

Agnostic is when you are not sure if there is a God. In this world we all want some kind of proof.It seems like if we can’t see it then we don’t believe it. It has not been proven that God Didn’t create this earth. The Bible tells me He did. We who believe in God believe by Faith… I believe there is something bigger and better for us when we die…I just can’t imagine that This life is all there is. So I choose to believe that Heaven is far better then earth, Just ask yourself this question…What if there is a God and Heaven? In your heart would you like to go to Heaven when you die or the place called Hell. My heart wants Happy not Sad…just something to think about…By the way Jesus hated manmade Religions and all the hyprocrites that stated they were christians…he mostly hung out with the so called sinners cause he knew the sinners were real and didn’t put on a false face. He knows we arn’t perfect and never will …he just wants us to think of him in our hearts, he is the best at forgiving…

Answer #3

“. I submit that such things can in fact be known. I think that people should reserve in their minds the possibility that and intelligent and omnipotent God (as the Christian God is purported to be) could reveal himself to individuals directly, and make it possible that he be known.”

Personal experience is not a valid means of proving God’s existence. By definition, proof involves something demonstratable, something that can be used to convince. There is no way to prove that God has intervened in a person’s life nor is there any way for a person to prove that God has spoken with or revealed himself to them. Such means of “proof” actually involve the use of faith, and this is the only means of relying on God’s existence.

I grant there is no way to disprove a person has spoken with God or seen God, but this leads us right back to agnosticism, and lends further credibility to it.

Answer #4

“While I agree that they may not be directly tested by the scientific method (ie the controled experiment) there are elements of truth and knowledge that can be gained using means other than that particular method. I submit that such things can in fact be known. I think that people should reserve in their minds the possibility that and intelligent and omnipotent God (as the Christian God is purported to be) could reveal himself to individuals directly, and make it possible that he be known.”

Having someone else tesitfy that god indeed has revealed himself to them, is in no way a method to determine the truth, or make the existence of a diety any more knowable. If I were to say that Santa revealed himself to me last night, that would (or should) have no impact on your non-belief in Santa. You would just think I am either joking or delusional. How is someone saying god spoke to them any different?

Answer #5

“Not so jimahl, not everybody is agnostic, because some of us know absolutely that God exists. Like me…I know God is real even if you don’t want to know Him, doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t.”

When a child has an imaginary friend, it might seem very real to him. You BELIEVE in god, you do not KNOW he exists. Knowing something exists requires some evidence. You have no evidence other than a book written by ancient susperstitous men.

“Nobody can prove to another person that God exists…it’s impossible. God is for each and everyone of us to accept or reject whatever they desire to do; it’s all up to you.”

If you can’t prove to another person that god exists, then YOU can’t KNOW he exists. The acceptence or rejection is only about the belief, not knowledge. But Zealots often confuse the two. You will deny actual knowledge, like evolution, if it any way interferes with the belief.

“Just look at what God has created. How can human soup make ten thousands taste buds on our tongues that are individually connected to the brain center, which allows us to taste sweet, sour, salty . . .or how about the hand or the elbow, or the eye! Each and everyone of these priceless body parts are loaded with miracle after miracle…”

Just look at how you ask this question. You are not a scientist, so why would I take your opinion of the merits of a particular scientific theory. Human soup? I am sorry, but your ignorance is overwhelming. I can tell you have never once attempted to look at evolution objectively.

“How long do you think it would take to put together an alarm clock, you know the wind up kind; if taken apart, thrown into a paper bag and shaken until it’s all put back together and working? A couple thousand years? Millions of years? Ok, notw think about the human brain”

And how does this relate to evolution at all. There is purpose to every evolutionary change in a species. It is not random.

“God is the Designer and Creator not a big explosion.”

Evidence only exists for one of these theories… Guess which one.

Answer #6

I am a believer. I don’t think that I would categorize agnosticism as the lazy person’s religion. It seems that the logic of agnosticism is flawed (as classically defined: one who believes that the truths of God are unknowable). While I agree that they may not be directly tested by the scientific method (ie the controled experiment) there are elements of truth and knowledge that can be gained using means other than that particular method. I submit that such things can in fact be known. I think that people should reserve in their minds the possibility that and intelligent and omnipotent God (as the Christian God is purported to be) could reveal himself to individuals directly, and make it possible that he be known.

If by agnostic, however, you mean a person who is not sure, I don’t think that it necessarily means that that person is lazy; I think it means that person honest. If a person has not encountered sufficient reasons to believe in the existence of God, then it should not be a surprise that an honest person would not believe.

Having said that, there could be a certain level of laziness involved. I don’t think that it’s a crime to be ignorant, but I think that it may be a crime to stay ignorant. I think that all people have a responsibility to seek the truth, and when they recognize a truth, they have a responsibility to act on it. All people have a responsibility to be honest with themselves. If a person isn’t sure of God’s existence because they have honestly been looking for evidence, and haven’t found any that can reasonably convict them, then that is one thing. If, on the other hand, a person isn’t sure because of their own indifference or hardness of heart, then that is another matter.

It seems to me that categorizing agnosticism as “the lazy person’s religion” does a disservice to those people who are honestly looking for answers to the burning questions that they have and, through no fault of their own, haven’t found the answers yet.

Answer #7

* “not everybody is agnostic, because some of us know absolutely that God exists. Like me”

Me thinks the lady dost protest too much. Who are you hoping to convince with statements such as this? Us, or yourself?

Answer #8

Actually agnostic is the viewpoint that ultimate truths (such as the existence of God) are unknowable.

I’m both atheist and agnostic. I don’t believe in God but since the God theory is untestable I have to remain open minded to the possibly (no matter how small) that God could exist.

Answer #9

Technically, everyone is agnostic, since no one KNOWS absolutely if there is or isn’t a god. EIther you believe or don’t, but it is ultimately unknowable. So we are all agnotic, and after that we are either theists or atheists.

Answer #10

I’m guessing when you say ‘agnostic’ you mean ‘unsure’?

If so, then all that means is you don’t find the proposition important enough to worry about. Some people might call that laziness, but I’d call assessing priorities.

Answer #11

Being agnostic is not really a religion. It’s the thought that there may or may not be a supreme being or higher force.

Besides, it’s not really in anyone to define any religion as ‘lazy’, it’s a belief, and any belief takes some sort of dedication.

Answer #12

Not so jimahl, not everybody is agnostic, because some of us know absolutely that God exists. Like me…I know God is real even if you don’t want to know Him, doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t.

Don’t confuse fact with faith.

God is the Designer and Creator not a big explosion.

…maybe that ‘big explosion’ was his way of starting things… or not.

Answer #13

This all sounds so familiar… where have I heard it before?

Answer #14

I’m agnostic! converted like… 6 months ago… yeah…

Answer #15

Nopes I am Pagan :}

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