Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Does age really matter?
  2. I like my best friend...but his best friend likes me!
  3. How can I get my ex out of my head after all this time?
  4. What to do when he pops back into my life?
  5. Why can't I give my girlfriend an orgasm?
  6. What if my parents and my girlfriend's parents hate each other?
  7. What are some tips for dating?
  8. Why won't my man commit after all these years?
  9. Is my ex-boyfriend prude and how can I get him back?
  10. How much sadder can this be?
  11. Should I keep it to myself that my boyfriend's friend raped me?
  12. Why does this boy get so mad?
  13. How do I ditch someone?
  14. What if I'm 15 and pregnant again?
  15. Why do I feel like my boyfriend is always cheating?
  16. Should I be as worried as I am?
  17. Why did he ask me out when we don't know eachother?
  18. Should I ask my ex's best friend out?
  19. How can I get my girlfriend to stop flirting?
  20. Why is this guy so mad at me?
  21. What if I'm in love with my cousin's best friend?
  22. What if I like an older boy whose cousin I dated?
  23. How do I make out?
  24. What should I say when I talk dirty to my man?
  25. How do I get this girl that I work with?
  26. How can I talk to him about how we ended?
  27. How do you get a guy to like you back?
  28. How can I get my boyfriend to work for our relationship?
  29. What if I love my boyfriend but we're having troubles?
  30. How can I make him realize that I'm done with being used?
  31. What do you think about couples sharing bank accounts?
  32. Does he just think it's puppy love?
  33. How should I handle my love for a married man?
  34. Are all guys jerks?
  35. When should I make the move?
  36. How do I tell him I like him?
  37. Should I ask out this guy if my best friend dated him?
  38. Should we be engaged if we fight?
  39. How can I patch up our friendship?
  40. How do I tell the boy I like hi?
  41. What if I'm scared of walking on the streets with my friends?
  42. How can I get my friends to stop copying me?
  43. How can I convince this guy to go out with me?
  44. How can I trust my boyfriend if he cheated on me?
  45. Is planning your future good or bad?
  46. Am I a bad person for believing a rumor?
  47. What if my boyfriend may think our age difference is an issue?
  48. How do I get my girlfriend back?
  49. Why is my ex saying such mean stuff?
  50. Should I break up with him?
  51. Who is fat joe's wife?
  52. What if I've asked her out but haven't heard back?
  53. How can I ask this girl out?
  54. How can I get through this summer apart?
  55. How do I know if a guy is into me?
  56. What should be my next move with this girl?
  57. Should I assume we broke up?
  58. What should I say to him if I heard these rumors?
  59. What can I do to make him like me more?
  60. How can I tell if my girlfriend has her period?
  61. Why don't guys talk to me even with my great personality?
  62. How do you finger a girl?
  63. What are some good boyfriend/girlfriend nicknames?
  64. How can I tell my crush how I feel?
  65. How can I forget this girl from my past?
  66. What if I have a crush on my best friend's ex?
  67. Should I be friends with her when all the guys like her?
  68. How do I get a boyfriend
  69. How do you know you really like someone?
  70. How can I get my ex back?
  71. How did he get over me so fast?
  72. What do I do if I get horny and don't know what to do?
  73. Should my friend go to the pool with me?
  74. How can I make the move on a girl at a party?
  75. How can I see if she still feels the same?
  76. What if this guy I really like has a kid?
  77. What if I just want to see if she cares?
  78. How can I trust my friends?
  79. Do you think my friend lied about passing on my number?
  80. How do I make the first move with a guy?
  81. How can I give my crush signs that I like him?
  82. Am I pregnant if my period is mild?
  83. How do I let this guy know that I like him?
  84. What if I don't mean that much to my best friend?
  85. What to do about this painful relationship?
  86. Can long distance relationships really work?
  87. Why it is not present at all?
  88. Could this be serious? (Continued)
  89. How do you hint at a guy to propose?
  90. How can I teach my boyfriend a lesson?
  91. What does it mean?
  92. What if I love her but don't want to ruin our friendship?
  93. Why do people make friends?
  94. What should I ask during the Truth game?
  95. Should I have my friend tell my crush that I like him?
  96. Where can my boyfriend and I hang out?
  97. How can we stay happy?
  98. What do I do if he put us on a break?
  99. Does he like me or are we just best friends?
  100. What is a friend?