How can I make the move on a girl at a party?

in a few days at a party im hoping to get lucky with a girl!! I want to finger her but im not quite sure what to do and how to get the best results…can anyone help?

Answer #1

alrighty then.. ya need to keep the soldier zipped up and focus on being friends with this girl instead of worrying about how to get into her pants. Life is not just about intimacy. Period.

Answer #2

If you’re nervous and unsure, it could be a sign that you are not ready. When you’re ready, you will realize that there is no right or wrong way to do anything sexual. People like different things. So you have just to experiment or ask her what she likes.

Answer #3

If I were her I would check to see if your fingernails were clean. What a goal to have! I have to agree with ixminar. You need to re-assess and rearrange your priorities or you’re not to go far with any girl.

Answer #4

Why would you care about wanting to get the best results with just some random girl? Why dont you save that for your gf someday! She might appreciate more! Didnt your parents teach you how to respect a girl? Dont go using girls cuz you think its cool, because trust me..its not!

Anytime kids come here asking how to do something means they are NOT old enough, or educated enough. Most people figure things out on their own.

Answer #5

ay you shouldnt haf that goal in yer head..

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