How do I tell him I like him?

I have this guy friend, and we aren’t extremely close and we never hang out other than in school, but I’m close enough to him to know I really like him. The really sad thing is though, I’ve liked him for 3 years now, and I’m tired of waiting around. So I think I’m going to tell him how I feel because a lot of people have told me that they think he likes me too. So how can I tell him I like him? Because if I’m wrong and he doesn’t like me back I don’t want to ruin the friendship because I know it isn’t worth that much to lose a really sweet guy friend just because I told him how I felt…any advice?

Answer #1

I was in exactly the same position like 4 months ago, now I have the most amazing boyfriend ever! Ever since I met him I had a little thing for him, he was a friend of a friend though, so it didn’t seem right. But, we gradually got closer and closer, and we became like best friends. We didn’t tell each other we liked one another because we didn’t think it was “allowed”, we thought our friends would kick up a fuss and it would destroy everything.But eventually, it just got to breaking point and we just both erupted on the same night, and told each other how we feel. It was make or break really, because I didn’t know he liked me back, I thought he like d one of my friends better. I agree with what Rolly said though, make sure he is treating you specially, not just flirting with every girl who glances his way. If it is just for you, then go for it!

Answer #2

I was in your exact same position about 2 months ago! And i never told him. But the thing is he is going off to college now and i kinda lost feelings for him. But if you really have that feeling he likes you ( no doubt about it) if you are unsure if he likes you. i wouldnt tell him. But if you are.. i would! i wanted to tell my guy i liked him so bad. But it ended up he flirted with a lot of girls and i thought it was just me he was doing it too. you gotta look out for that in a guy ;p He has to treat you special and no one else! ha

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