How can I convince this guy to go out with me?

there is this boy and he said I was pretty but he wont go out with me what can I do to confince him to go out with me I really luv him please help I never felt thi way before

Answer #1

yeah i agree with the person that left da comment b4 me… looks dont matter! if the guy loves u for who u r, then thats what matters,…ok? if a guy wants me for my looks i would actually dump him. there will be other guys in ur future, dont fall for the first guy that says u r pretty.

Answer #2

Sweetie, its not the end of the world. Your going to have alot of guys tell you your pretty, but it doesnt mean they want to go out with you. Theres more to going out with someone than just looks! It would be great if we could make any guy we like go out with us, but we cant. We have NO control over someone elses feelings. Your going to have alot of crushes, but sadly they all wont like you back. All you can do is be yourself, the rest is up to them!

Answer #3

I would say you should just ask him because there is still a chance to get with him you may never know but he could like you a lot.

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