Could this be serious? (Continued)

Fototag thank you for your input. He doesn’t want to go to the doc. He’s afraid to know. His grandparents raised him from the time he was 6 weeks old. He stayed with them both untill they died. That’s one reason why he didn’t marry the girl that he was with for 12 years..he couldn’t leave his grandparents and she wouldn’t wait. Anyway I do know that his grandfather had cancer so that worrys me. I’m trying to take everything into consideration and just ride it out. I really don’t want to go through life without him with me. I know that I could but I’d just rather not. And no I don’t know that much about satisfying him because he has limits to what he will allow. I love passionate kisses and cuddling and loosing total control and he’s the opposite. So what do you suggest about that? And also thanks for the comments.

Answer #1

The first thing I’d have him do is have that blood in his urine checked out. There are many things that can cause this but the worst is cancer. Since his grandfather had cancer and he is 45 y/o this could be a serious problem. check out this site: Tell him you are very concerned about his health and you don’t want to lose him because of some problem or disease just because he doesn’t want to see a doctor about it. It might not be all that serious but it needs taken care of.

I’m very much the same way about a lot of cuddling, kissing, hugging etc except when we are having s e x. If I’m not in the mood for s e x than I’m not real keen on the cuddling thing either but I wish I was more like you and my wife in that respect. I need to work on that myself. Perhaps he feels like you will want s e x every time you feel like cuddling and kissing and he’s not in the mood for s e x, therefore he avoids the cuddling etc. This is just a “maybe”. I know I feel that way sometimes when I’m not in the mood for s e x. It might be a good idea to discuss this with him and tell him that it doesn’t always have to lead to having s e x but that you just want to cuddle sometimes and feel like you are loved by him. If you really do want s e x, you might have to initiate it in some fashion or maybe come right out and tell him but it’d probably be better if you both had this understanding worked out before hand. Explain to him that you are still young and s exually active and still have needs but you only want him to satisfy those needs. The testosterone check is a simple blood test but have the blood in his urine checked first. If a mans hormones are normal there is one thing that will get him interested almost 100% of the time but you’ll have to be the aggressor. Here’s a hypothetical: Either while you are both standing or sitting together, reach over and put your had on his pe n is and look him in the eyes and ask if he’s getting hard or aroused. If he’s getting hard, he is also getting aroused as you well know and once he’s aroused while you have your hand on it, he’ll be almost helpless to say no. That’s just s e x or human nature 101. But you have to be agressive enough to initiate it. This might be a new experience for you but it also might be a new beginning. If he says he’s not in the mood or not aroused, you can’t take it as though it’s your fault or let it cause you to feel unloved. The blame has to be on his side and it might be hormonal as I previously mentioned. I can tell you for a fact, if my wife did that to me we would be in the bedroom in a matter of seconds. I could be dead tired from working but that would make me hard and very aroused in a short order. BTW, I’m older than you. You will notice I had to use some spaces in some words to avoid their disfunctional censorship filter.

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