What if this guy I really like has a kid?

So i have recently fallen head over heals for a guy that i will be goin to school with hes amazing and hasnt pressed anything but after about two weeks of us bein exclusive he told me he has a five year old son (him bein seventeen when Aiden was born) im not ready to be a mother but i really really like this guy what should I do??

Answer #1

Why would you be a mother? The kid has her/his own mother. Let the guy to deal with his kid of course, but you do with the kid that what you want. If you like Aiden, you may stay with her/him, if not, then not. It is your free choice.

Answer #2

I am not saying not to give it a chance, exactly the opposite, i am saying thst you should. Just tell the guy what is going on in your head and tell him your concerns.

Answer #3

Guys with children come with baggage, im not talking about the kid i am talking about the baby mama. So if you are ready for a fight with the baby mama go for it because for some reason baby mama’s think because they have a kid with someone even though they break up that the man is still theirs and that you are walking on her turf. Believe me i have been there and it is hard to deal with. Good luck.

Answer #4

Just think about how you would feel if it was the other way around. Plus, unless you guys plan to get married soon, I wouldnt worry about it too much. Just meet his son and see what you think of him. Plan things that include his son too, that way you get a feel for the son, because if you dont like his son, it will never work out between you two. Speaking from a parents perspective, his child is the most important thing in his life.

Answer #5

I kno that he is but its hard cause i dont want him to like get attached to me if things arent going to work out..i kno thats a bad attitude to have but i dont want to hurt either of them but it doesnt feel fair to just not give it a chance

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