Health Questions

  1. How can I go to the doctor's without my mom knowing?
  2. Could this be a rash on my eye?
  3. Is it unhealthy for my mom to start smoking again while pregnant?
  4. What is MRSA and how do you get it?
  5. What is a leper?
  6. What are some ways to cheer up when your depressed?
  7. Does the Flip camcorder have a recorder?
  8. When to decide to get yourself off birthcontrol?
  9. How do I know if these bites are bed bug bites or spider bites?
  10. Why do I only sweat when I put lotion on and run for a long period of time?
  11. What is the difference between bipolar and bipolar II?
  12. Are throat infections contagious?
  13. Do you think men should be vaccinated and checked for HPV on a yearly basis?
  14. Does yoga and meditation help with anger problems?
  15. Can you die from sleep apnea?
  16. What are some possible jobs for a person with cerebral palsy?
  17. Are dietary supplements that have never been opened, but expired 2 years ago, harmful to take?
  18. When you fill out the form at a walk-in clinic, do they send the information to your family doctor (read info)?
  19. When you walk into a clinic for a first-time consultation, what do you need to bring with you?
  20. Is this an allergic reaction?
  21. What does it mean if a person has to pee about every half-hour or hour?
  22. What does the abbreviation "U" mean in medical terminology
  23. What causes heartburn?
  24. Do you think this is a case of RLS?
  25. Is it normal to not feel the effects of caffeine?
  26. What, if anything, can I do to stop night sweats from being in menopause?
  27. Is it healthy for a lactose intolerant person to drink milk to lose weight?
  28. Does the depo provera shot cause weight gain?
  29. What's the best way to get rid of a wart?
  30. What are the benefits of taking an ice bath?
  31. Are these signs of Hay-fever?
  32. Is there a way to make your equalibrium better?
  33. Why do I get itchy on my period?
  34. What are the side effects of eating instant noodles regularly (like every morning)?
  35. Should I avoid tanning and exposing myself to harmful ultraviolet radiation?
  36. Is it normal to have discomfort in my vagina after doing Alot(100+) of kegals?
  37. Could you use a balloon as a condom?
  38. What is a cognitive development?
  39. How do I tell my mom I think I have TSS?
  40. Can blood damage teeth?
  41. Would it be okay to make myself throw up if I ate something that's making me feel sick?
  42. What does being an isomanic mean?
  43. What is the best treatment for eczema?
  44. Could my umbilical cord hernia from when I was a baby be affecting my stomach pains now?
  45. Is there a type of STD that causes a sort of "rug burn" down there?
  46. What to expect with an ingrown toenail?
  47. Do you think it's possible for someone to have a personality where they lie sometimes without meaning to or thinking?
  48. Does sunscreen stop your body from absorbing vitamin D from the sun?
  49. What could be the reason for regular pins and needles in my legs?
  50. Why do my knuckles hurt when I pop them?
  51. Are schizophrenia tests accurate?
  52. Does depression relapse?
  53. Can a frontal lobe brain tumor cause a personality disorder?
  54. What are the long and short term effects for children who drink alcohol?
  55. How does Medi-cal work?
  56. How credible are online depression tests?
  57. What's the difference between ADD and ADHD?
  58. Why do girls take estrogen pills?
  59. How can I stop the bleeding from where my tooth was pulled?
  60. What are some good ways to remember the different sections of the heart?
  61. Could I have done some nerve damage to my thumb?
  62. What are some health issues if you do your own tattoo?
  63. How do you know if you have hyperhidrosis?
  64. How likely are you to get shingles if you had the chickenpox?
  65. What can happen to a baby if her umbilical cord gets infected?
  66. How do you get alcohol poisoning?
  67. What is the best way to prevent and heal blisters?
  68. What do you feel about laser eye surgery for cosmetic reasons?
  69. What is the oldest age you can die?
  70. Is black coffee considered a "clear fluid"?
  71. is it normale to get a higher hormone level before your period ?
  72. What exactly do they do when a woman "has her tubes tied"?
  73. What medication or remedies can you take to clean your stomach out?
  74. Is brown, milky discharge and sharp pains in my lower abdominals and back normal during early pregnancy?
  75. What is the difference between MDMA and Ecstasy?
  76. Who can give me information about dyslexia?
  77. Why do I keep getting weird tingles in my right pinkie whenever the weather changes?
  78. Why does crying make you so tired and sleepy?
  79. Can your nose change if you are too skinny?
  80. Do you wait 15 days after your period to take another pregnancy test to make sure?
  81. What can I do to help somebody with arthritis?
  82. Why do feet/hands "fall asleep" and how do you make it stop?
  83. Who has used the "Breathe Right" strips and did they work?
  84. How do I get sleep out of my eyes?
  85. How do you have an abortion when the baby is in the fallopian tubes?
  86. Why does my face feel funny after going to the dentist?
  87. Do you lose the weight that you gained on Implanon after you get it removed?
  88. How can I measure my nutrition?
  89. What creates body spasms?
  90. What are some home remedies to help an ear infection?
  91. Does taking 2 baby aspirins a night before bed really help to reduce your chances of having a heart attack?
  92. Can someone who's been through a lot of trauma and is mentally unstable ever become sane again?
  93. What do you think is necessary - more physical strength or mental strength?
  94. How do you get up the courage to go get test results, knowing it could mean surgery?
  95. how long does t take for cut in the vaginal wall to heal ?
  96. Can a person feel sick if they feel too hot?
  97. How long does it take for stitches to dissolve?
  98. What would happen to a 13 year old girl who took one of my depression pills?
  99. How long does it take for an average sized bruise to go away?
  100. Why does my stomach ache everytime I eat or drink something?