What is a cognitive development?

Answer #1

Isn’t that when a child learns to connect thought into action? Fine motor skills I believe.

Answer #2

Cognitive development is the thought process- remembering, solving, decision making. Infancy is the begining of cognitive development babies learn to use there senses to know the world around them. They also start remembering faces-copy facial expressions-and respond to familiar nosies. As they grow they begin to learn how the world works- imitate sound, enjoy listening to their own voices, recognize their parents, fear strangers, they can distiguish distance by size, they learn their name. Between 9-12 months they begin useing more of their cognitive skills such as imitating gestures, understanding words “NO,” testing the parents reactions to a behavior to see if they get the same reaction ( throwing food), they learn to say words, imitate animal sounds, develop attachment to objects, learn names to objects, they learn that an object still exsist even if they can’t see it, learn seprataion anxiety. By 18 mo.-2yrs cognitive development becomes more pronounced they enter the sensorimotor stage- they learn the preformance of an object, learn how to get a misplaced object by using tools, they want to be more independent, they know discipline, they know what is approved and disapproved with behavior, they know words like please and thank you. by 2 yrs they should know 100-150 words and adding 10 new words a day, they know emotions, love, anger, trust, and fear.,Preschool is the preoperational stage- they are using their imaginary and memory skills, developing an increased attention span, learning to read, developing a structured routine, develop a social interaction with children their own age. 6yrs -12yrs is the concrete operation stage- using logical and coherent actions when thinking and solving problems, understand volume, weight, and numbers may remain constant despite changes in outward appearance, build on past experiences, attention spain should increase. 12yrs-18yrs is the formal operation stage-characterized by an increases independence for thinking through problems and situations. they should be able to understand higher math concepts, learn and apply general information needed to adapt to a specific situation, learn specific information and skills for an occupation-a major part of cognitive development through this stage is the cognitive transition. When you hear the term cognitive impairment it could mean any thing from social, physical,mental,emotinal. Many children are said to have a cognitive impairment when they start preschool. If you talk to a baby like a baby they never learn the tru sounds of words causing cognitive impairment. If you don’t teach your child to hold a pencil or scissors they become cognitively impaired (meaning-after the pinzer grip is gone you should start adding motor skills to the child to add to the cognitive development). Pinzer grip is the way the baby hold the hand in a fist. It is a normal act of life and all babies do this until they learn other wise.

Answer #3

No. It’s not. Cognitive development is the development of all thought.

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