What does being an isomanic mean?

Okay, I want to know if I am one or not. I basically do everything at night better then I do in the day time. I usually sleep around all day and wake up in the night time and watch tv, eat, play games and etc.

Answer #1

Usually insomnia is where you barely sleep throughout the whole day. I’m not 100% sure but I think you might just have a messed up sleeping schedule that you should probably fix. Try laying in your bed around 9:00 and try to fall asleep. The t.v., eating, and playing games is keeping your brain awake.

Answer #2

Thanks for clearing that up for me. That’s not healthy how people barely sleep, and they call themselves “awesome”. sigh Anyway, I know have a terrible sleep schedule, if the shows all came on at the same time every night before 10. That would be lovely. I plan on getting my sleep schedule together after today. Hopefully, I can even start waking up on my own.

Answer #3

i have that issue and when i try to fall asleep my brain is going everywhere from one thought to the next haha. so what i do is i turn the tv on put the volume low enough so i can still kinda hear it, turn my fan on and roll over. So instead of thinking so much i am listening to the tv, and the fan sound is comforting so it relaxes me.

Answer #4

I don’t think you have insomnia. If you sleep around basically all day, you’re really just a night time person. Insomnia is a disorder in which one cannot sleep much at all - night time or day time. An insomniac has a difficult time falling asleep, and remaining asleep.

So if you sleep during the day, I would say you’re just a night owl. Not an insomniac c:

Answer #5

Thats me!! I use to work at the airport so I would have to get up at 2am and so now I sleep in the day and can’t seem to fall asleep at night, I watch t.v play games on my phone, facebook, do extreme cleaning lol to pass time. It kinda sucks I wish it was vise versa. I just gotta get my sleeping scedule back on track. Like you would have too stay awake during the day so your tired at night, and keep yourself awake during the day.

Answer #6

But no you don’t have insomnia. My dad does and he needs pills to make him go to sleep and sometimes he still can’t sleep. He needs a sound machine too, cause even any noise we make can disturb him and he won’t be able to get back to sleep, to get any sleep he could have.

Answer #7

I use to sleep like a baby that way, too bad my mom gave my fan away to my big sister like 4 or 5 summers ago.

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