Health Questions

  1. How is it possible for a person with 4 or 5 big tumors in their brain to still be able to walk, talk, and think normally?
  2. How do you prevent getting side aches?
  3. How can you stay awake for more than 24 hours?
  4. What makeup is safe to share?
  5. How do you cope with a loved one having cancer?
  6. What happens if my nuvaring was in 40C temperature for about 15 minutes?
  7. What are these gross things on my fingers?
  8. Why is it so weird for someone to be healthy in Canada/America?
  9. How can you find out if you have brain tumors before going to the doctor's?
  10. Why do scabs itch so bad?
  11. Is it possible for someone to walk properly immediately after she has been devirginized?
  12. What are some strange pregnancy symptoms you can have?
  13. How to get rid of bug bites fast?
  14. What does it mean to have a leaking heart valve and how do you treat it?
  15. How can i get rid of persistent headache?
  16. How can a guy get an std from a girl and how can a girl get an std from a guy?
  17. How can I stop feeling weird about my body; especially my height?
  18. What happens when you have heat stroke, in terms of vitamins?
  19. What's the best brand of tampons?
  20. Is it normal for a newborn to poop green poop?
  21. Do chiropractors actually work?
  22. How to feel cool during the summer days if I have no air-conditioner?
  23. Why is my eye itchy?
  24. What's so relaxing about a bubble bath?
  25. How can I cope with my depression?
  26. How do you get rid of an earache caused by loud sounds?
  27. Is there any way to prevent oneself from slouching while working on the computer?
  28. Why am I constantly craving food?
  29. Can mosquitos spread HIV or any other trasmitted disease?
  30. What are quick and easy ways to get rid of a cold?
  31. Can vitamin D can be taken from the sun when sunblock is on?
  32. Which size clip should I use in my Nerf Longstrike sniper rifle?
  33. How can i stray away from my cell phone for an entire night?
  34. What are some drawbacks of having braces?
  35. Is it normal to feel this kind of hatred towards gynecologists?
  36. Can you clean contact lenses with hydrogen peroxide topical solution usp?
  37. What could be a reason for caffeine to be seemingly ineffective for me recently?
  38. Do they revive people when they find them in their homes dead, or do they just check for a pulse and call the time of death?
  39. how can i make my wife satisfied?she is pregnent.
  40. Is it safe to take 1mg of folic acid with 1 flintstone complete vitamin during pregnancy?
  41. What is a cardiac arrhythmia?
  42. Is it good or bad to have a day of drinking just water?
  43. Is cutting onions too much going to harm my eyes?
  44. Where can I buy N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in Canada?
  45. Is it possible to get sunburned when you've already got a tan?
  46. Is tickling sometimes dangerous?
  47. Can hash affect the people around the person smoking it?
  48. What is the best way to prevent vomiting after taking my multivitamin?
  49. Why does it burn to pee when I'm on my period?
  50. Can a concussion damage the brain forever?
  51. How painful is a nose job?
  52. Why does my nose bleed?
  53. Can my height have anything to do with the pain in my legs?
  54. Why am I so angry all of a sudden about my past (read desc)?
  55. What does it mean by "days of flow" and "lengths of cycle"?
  56. What is a "rash"?
  57. Does putting on sunscreen make you tan slower?
  58. Why do women still have periods after they have their tubes tied?
  59. Should I go to a therapist?
  60. Can you bruise a muscle without bruising your skin ?
  61. What is a "nervous disorder"?
  62. Does the NuvaRing have to be inserted at the same time every time?
  63. What would an aged fart in a jar smell like?
  64. Could lower abdominal pain while urinating possibly be a UTI or pre-eclampsia?
  65. How to increase my energy levels in the morning?
  66. Can loose baby teeth fall out when you have braces?
  67. Why am I gaining weight while on my monthly (girls only)?
  68. Should you use mouthwash after toothpaste, or before it?
  69. Why am I having brown discharge?
  70. Does abuse cause autoimmune system diseases?
  71. Why does my period hurt so much?
  72. Do Bacardi Breezers need to be kept in the fridge?
  73. What kind of damage can a 45 BPM heart rate cause?
  74. Why do I get my period every 5-7 months?
  75. What will happen if you miss three or more birth control pills in every pack?
  76. how can i help my sister change her underwear? she shit in them...
  77. How do I verify a 'How-To'?
  78. How to anchor a physiological state?
  79. How would you know if your IUD has moved or is not in place?
  80. What does it mean if a lot of things annoy me and give me a headache?
  81. What is worse: Acne or periods?
  82. Could a minor girl go to a gynecologist without parental consent when they know something is wrong?
  83. How do you want to die and how do you think you're going to die?
  84. What happens if you snort applejack crack?
  85. Is it true that you bleed for a whole 6 weeks after you give birth?
  86. What's the principal difference between "basic" life support and "advanced" life support?
  87. What's the normal blood pressure for an average young adult?
  88. Why can't I sleep at night?
  89. What are some therapeutic ways to deal with some emotions and feelings that I am having a hard time coping with?
  90. Why do people talk in their sleep?
  91. Is there anything I can drink to make myself burp?
  92. What can make it feel like you have a humming bird in your head?
  93. Do you feel bad when you see a girl who's pregnant at the ages of 12-15?
  94. What did I do to my right knee?
  95. Does chocolate really warm up the human body?
  96. Can someone tell me honestly if it's just water retention or water and fat when a woman is on her her mid-cycle?
  97. Does white noise really aid sleep?
  98. How can I make myself get a split personality?
  99. Is there really a majority of people that smoke pot?
  100. Could you be heavy but still be considered anorexic?