Do Bacardi Breezers need to be kept in the fridge?

I have breezers (the alcohol) and I have them in my room because my dad bought it for me a while ago and my mom can’t know. I didn’t drink the whole four pack it came in so I had two left and I just kept them in my room. I was wondering if they’re still okay to drink. Or did they need to be kept in the fridge? Thanks to anyone who answers!

If you’re going to tell me that my dad shouldn’t have bought it or that I shouldn’t be drinking at all, don’t bother talking because I don’t care. :) Thanks

Answer #1

yes ofcourse one will like them hot..

Answer #2

No … it’s safe to keep them at room temperature. I see you’re from Canada … here’s a little law not too many people are aware of - it’s legal to drink under age provided you are in your home, and under the supervision of a parent. It doesn’t sound like you have any sort of drinking problem, or you would have finished those off when you first got them, so - morally and legally - nobody can judge you.

Answer #3

Thank you. That helped :)

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