Why am I constantly craving food?

I always feel hungry . Like really hungry . Even after I eat , about half an hour after usually I feel really hungry .

Answer #1

Ask your Doctor if you are worried. sorry that i cant provide any advice :(

Answer #2

emotional reasons?

Answer #3

It would make sence . But i don’t really know …

Answer #4

Well, you’re 13, growing, hormonal, it’s natural to crave food more. However, if this is really bad, feeling hungry all the time no matter how much you eat, it could be a problem and I would consult a doctor.

Answer #5

You could be stressed. I have anxiety, and i’m usually stressed so i’m always eating, or i wont eat…. It could also just be hormones…. Or if anything traumatic has happened…. Many reasons it could be. Im sure its nothing serious, as long as your aware of it, and your not hurting your body (like your not eating until your over full or anything) then i don’t see any problems.

Answer #6

got the munchies……

Answer #7

Maybe you’re eating sh!t food and not getting the right nutrients.

Answer #8

At your age, its completely natural to be hungry. Really hungry. This is worse if you’re active. When you become an adult, your metabolism will slow so that you need about a 2000-2500 calorie diet. While you’re growing, the average is about 4000 calories. It’s perfectly fine to eat more at your age.

Answer #9

r there sertin foods ur crativeing

Answer #10

Well I crave a lot of foods … Usually junk foods .

Answer #11

have you had sex latly

Answer #12

have you had sex latly

Answer #13

have you had sex latly

Answer #14

4000 calories? Definitely not =/ That’s way too much, unless she’s heavily working out.

Answer #15

i use to feel like that. its probably because you have a high metabolmize or pregency [ idk ] or you play sport.

Answer #16

No . I’m a virgin still

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