Parents & Family Questions

  1. how do I tell my dad I wanna live w my mom for the summer???
  2. abuse, dicipline, or ???
  3. abuse. not a scary story, please read.
  4. Want to help my sons friend
  5. An unruly 17yr old
  6. dad cant trust me enough to buy me another phone >:/
  7. My trust between my mum and I.
  8. How to get your mom to let you talk to boy on the phone??
  9. Is it ever okay
  10. how do I tell my mom I have a boyfriend?
  11. brothers WAYYY to strict when it comes to guys.
  12. is a 18yr old to old?
  13. How can I convince them to let me have a pet?
  14. my parents...
  15. How do you deal with physco parents
  16. My Mum said she wouldn't do this to me!
  17. Younger bro started drinking
  18. im 17 and I want to know if I can move out
  19. divorcing parents
  20. custody?
  21. is it worth visiting my dad?
  22. I just want alone time with mom!!!
  23. I hate my mother sooo much please help
  24. My Cousin...Again
  25. My Cousin Takes Playing Seriously
  26. Father birthday?
  27. Are my parents joking around with me?
  28. Mother Issue?
  29. little brother
  30. moms anger
  31. how should I handle sister in law
  32. Guy walks out on you?
  33. Dad cheated
  34. What should I do about my family?
  35. running away cause family probs
  36. what should I tell my mum?
  37. mother-in-law and the sister-in-law
  38. My Fathers respect level for me... where can I go now?
  39. step daddy drama!!! help me advice quick!!!
  40. Uncomfortable in my own home.
  41. Please I need advice
  42. Coping with Death
  43. legally move out of your parents house at the age of 17
  44. How do I tell my parents?
  45. is it wrong that you want to be dead because of your moms death
  46. Annoying Brother
  47. is there anything I can do to get out of my parents house?
  48. How to tell my mom that I might be pregnant
  49. I am perego with my bm8ts brothers baby
  50. How do I talk with my mom in private w/o her telling my stepdad?
  51. Moms and teens.
  52. my mom wont let me go on birth control!!!
  53. No support not a penny 2 mi name.
  54. How many of you out there have abused your parents?
  55. I wanna have a child... at a wrong time...
  56. Mom is stupid and won't let me get hair extensions
  57. Fun things to do while babysitting?
  58. Convincing my parents for a puppy
  59. My brother is really annoying me.
  60. alcoholic mom
  61. New baby
  62. meeting his family!!! AHHH!
  63. Why do they ground us?
  64. My sister
  65. How can I convince my parents I am responsible???
  66. Why is my younger brother taller then me?
  67. Why do sisters always know how to upset you?
  68. Speech at my great aunts funeral :s
  69. I got arrested and I dont think it's fair.
  70. How can I get away from the abuse?
  71. Teen & Grades
  72. My mom husband is a bad man what do I do
  73. I think something happened to my closest friend whoes like grandma?
  74. Why is it always me
  75. I have a problum with my mom ? :/
  76. Daddy died
  77. I feel Weird...
  78. For big brothers who have little sisters.
  79. Whut should I do?
  80. Emancipation in illinois!!!
  81. I HATE my moms boyfriend please HELP!!!
  82. Are my parents to strict
  83. can I move out when I turn 16
  84. How do I tell my mum
  85. Parents...mostly dads..
  86. Getting my mom to notice?
  87. Older brother trouble
  88. Hate my husband's family
  89. Dont want to go on holiday but my mum and dad do?
  90. Is getting really fed up with my parents
  91. Move to England? Abusive parent?
  92. annying mommm
  93. Issues with Father
  94. My brother, and now I have nothing
  95. RH(D) O positive blood my husband is O my daughter was born with A+
  96. Family involvement in relationships
  97. who do I go to?
  98. It makes me just wanna cry!
  99. Grounded. =(
  100. Why should I...