Grounded. =(

Ok im 14 and I know im still young but my mom works every night as a bar tender and me and my friend katie invited some of our friends over to my house while my mom wasnt home and she found out and she was even more mad at the fact that some of them were guys and they drank a little I would be mad if I were her too but she grounded me for a month does anyone no a way to make her unground me I’ve already been through a week is there a way to make her let me off for the rest of the three weeks? Pleaseee help

Answer #1

I say keep on apologizing, and as you sed, your already through your 1st week. so I say if the saying sorry doesn’t work then heres a bit of good news to rememeber, you’ve ONLY got 3/4 left! 1/4 gone. just be glad I wasn’t longer. keep up the good stuff kiddo

Answer #2

I don’t know same with above I got grounded for 6 months when I was in 5th grade it was hell but like just try to do stuff hats still entertaining, that your mom still lets you do

Answer #3

You brought it on yourself, love :S But hopefully she’ll just give up on it after the next couple days. Yeah apologise profusely or really annoy her so she can’t wait to get you out the house lol

Answer #4

She obviously has a perfectly good reason for grounding you. You brought or invited guys over without her permission,if you’ve never done this in the past just try and convince her that it WILL NEVER happen again,just don’t try so hard or she’ll push it higher.

Answer #5

I would advise you to just grow up and deal with it if you were her, im sure youd do the same thing to you how would you like it if your 14 year old daughter invited freinbds over and some of thsoe friends were boys who were illegally drinking not to mention that drinking makes people more violent and easy to coax into doing things or to want to do things like have sex, ect im sure youd be mad just deal with it and learn from it

Answer #6

Hmm, since you brought this on yourself I’d also try to apologize to her and see what happens. If that doesn’t work, I don’t know what else to tell you. If I were your mother, I’d ground you but, I wouldn’t take away the privelidges that entertain you. Since you have a week so far to be grounded, think, you’ll be off in about another 3 or 4 weeks. You’re lucky your mother didn’t ground you for 4 months. You’re lucky you didn’t get hurt or raped for that matter by these guys you had over. Just don’t do that again.

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