Is getting really fed up with my parents

Okay.. Soo its different for me to most kids.. I was in yr 10.. (age 15) my life was finaly going right for once. And than we moved 2hours away.. Anyways.. We’ve been ere over a year.. And I’ve still got no mates.. And this is the problem my parents, never ask me what id like to do. Or if I want to do anything! And than when I ask, there like no why you want to do that is someone else doing it!!. And all this sh!t

All I asked was to go to the gym because I am over weight and I no I am.. And all I got was aload of sh1t from them :| I hate them so much !! Its like they dont have time for me anymore :’( its always about the fucking animals. Sometimes I wish I was one of her fucking animals!!

Answer #1

You need to talk to them. At a time when their both not busy. Make sure you tell them earlier in the day that you would like to speak to them later etc. Explain everything without getting angry. That will just make them think you are immature. As for the friend situation. Join an activity you like, or try and talk to people in school. X

Answer #2

Im not at school lol! and even when I try to talk to them, they just get stressy, and get into an attituite with me ;[

Answer #3

no we moved up here so we was on a small holding thev got 3 horses, 8 chickens, 2 Dogs. . And They never have time for me!.. And if I was ot speak to them they just get the as*s and be in an attiuitde with me and be like stop trying to get attenion and all this crap :|

Answer #4

Your parents love u, of that you can probably be sure. When you say animals, what do you mean? Are they breeders? Or, do you just have pets that they dote on? Sounds to me that you really need to sit down with both of them and tell them exactly what you have told us here. you feel as if they care more about their animals than they do about u, and that can hurt a lot. Tell them that you are still their little girl no matter how old you are and that you still need their attention and affection. I think if you tell them how you feel they will realize what they have been doing and hopefully take what you say to heart. I’m sorry you have to feel this way, its not easy to think that an animal is more important than you are. I remember going through the same exact thing when I was young, wondering why our dog was more important than me. you do have to remember that animals are helpless to a certain degree…they need to be feed, and watered, bathed, let outside to potty and they need and desire attention as much as any human out there. That said, this should never become the focus of your parents life because you are still there child and you still need their attention also! Good luck sweetheart! [•:

Answer #5

When they tell you to “stop trying to get attention” tell them straight out that that is EXACTLY WHAT you WANT! And that you want if from THEM!! It is so very hard to go through something like this, I know. Do you help with the feeding of the animals and that it requires? If so. That would be a good time to talk to your Mom. Be blunt and too the point! But start off the conversation with something like,,,”Mom, I’m really not trying to start a fight with u, but this is how I feel…” Don’t attack her, ask her. And tell her how you feel, and ask her to explain why this has happened. Use lots of “I” statementes,,,”I feel this way when u…” Or. “When you pay more attention to the animals it makes me feel…”. Attacking her when talking will only get her on the defensive, and less likely to want to talk at all, and that will be where the attitude comes in.

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