Coping with Death

A lot of my family has died and I have been to many funerels and not a single tear have I shed. I know I will never se these people again buti seem uneffected. Does this make me a bad person or a ental case?

Answer #1

Not at all - people are different and they handle grief differently - it’s been my experience life has peaks and valleys - and it’s comforting to know God’s Love is there in both, never failing…you’re in my prayers.

Answer #2

Chances are reality hasn’t kicked in yet, I’ve always been the same way. I never cry at the services then eventually when I’m alone it just hits me that I’m never-ever going to see these people again and I start to tear up.

Answer #3

I think you r very young so you havnt got that feelings what your elder had. They must cry on those funerals

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