Parents & Family Questions

  1. How to let my parents know that I wanna make my own choice?
  2. How can I tell my mum that I want to become a figure skater?
  3. How can he move out and not get in trouble at 17?
  4. What does everyone think...move out or stay?
  5. How sould I do this without getting caught?
  6. What/ im really nervous about meeting his parents!?
  7. Why does my family say I was faking?
  8. How do I ruin my sister's relationship with her horrible boyfriend?
  9. What to you order when on a date?
  10. How do I hide a tounge percing from my mom?
  11. What would happen if I leave out of state at the age of seventeen ?
  12. What happenes when parents when they kick their 16 yr old out?
  13. How can I lose weight without my parents finding out?
  14. What should I do about my pageant loving mom?
  15. Can my parents( mom ) make me for to a catholic bording school?
  16. What should I get my grandma?
  17. When can I move out of my house?
  18. How can I move in with my God-Mother?
  19. What can I do to stop my pain?
  20. How do you meet someones parents?
  21. What to do I do when my sister criticzises me to the max?
  22. How do I serve two afterschool detentions without my mom knowing?
  23. How to convince my parents for a nose ring?
  24. How can I get away with anything without getting in trouble?
  25. Why must they treat me like this?
  26. How can I get out of my household at age sixteen?
  27. When the boy is taking shower my cousin is gay he likes my body?
  28. How should I tell my parents I want to move out?
  29. Why does my dad favorite my sister she is 12!?
  30. What to do if my mom hates my friend?
  31. What to do about inlaws who wont let you live your life?
  32. WHy is my mom such a jerk?
  33. What is wrong with my Mum, please help?
  34. Where is my dad?
  35. What am I supposed to do now?
  36. What would be a good prank to pull on my mom's stupid boyfriend?
  37. What can I do to get my mom to grow up?
  38. How can I convince my mom to let me get snakebites?
  39. How can I get my parents to let me sleepover at my friends houses?
  40. What should I do about my parents?
  41. What should I do I havent seen my dad?
  42. How do I convince my mom to let me get a nose peircing???
  43. Why dose my dad wanna know me?
  44. When I turn 18 can I move out without getting in trouble?
  45. What do you say to your parents when you go clubbing?
  46. How do I over come a fear?
  47. What do you think about a gift back?
  48. What am I supposed to do?!?!?
  49. What website can I use to find my real dad?
  50. How to take my prenant 17 year old girlfriend to my house legally?
  51. How can I convince my mother to switch me bakk to my old skewl?
  52. What should I do with my parents?
  53. How to make familey like you more ?
  54. how do I get my dads trust back?
  55. Should letting go of a loved ones is be hard?
  56. How do I get my mom to let me wear make up?
  57. Why did my mom done this to me?
  58. What can I do with my mom?
  59. What! Ugh opinions on parents??
  60. Why does my mom take my phone at night?
  61. When can I move out legally if I am a foster child?
  62. How can I get my mom 2 change her mind?
  63. Who can help me become emancipated and how im only 13??
  64. How so I just put a stop to all this without the law involved?
  65. How to make good impression with my girl parents?
  66. Who on here is a teen mom or dad?
  67. Why is my mom so freaked?
  68. How telling my pops I have a boyfriend befor my baby sis bday?
  69. how do I tell my mum I got a demerit?
  70. Why is my biological mom acting like this?
  71. How do I make myself cry outta depression?
  72. How: Is hitting a teen on the arm abuse?
  73. How do I convince my mother t let me fly alone to another state?
  74. Why does my mom not care that my brother hit me?
  75. How old do I have to be to live with my 21 year old bro? Im 17?
  76. How can I convince my parents to let me audition?
  77. Why are my parents so stressed over nothing?
  78. What do I do when I am mad at my mom and dad?
  79. What do you do when your mad at your mom for not listening to you?
  80. Why is my sister such a moody person?
  81. How should I ask my dad to get my belly pierced?
  82. How can I move out of my parents houses with out there permition?
  83. How do I convince my dad to let me pierce my lip?
  84. What should I do, this is important ?
  85. How do you save a family that has restraining orders on eachother??
  86. What can I say to my mom to let me have a friend sleep over?
  87. What to do about a difficult mom?
  88. What are some fun stuff to do with my little cousin?
  89. What is the earliest age can I move out in west virginia?
  90. What should I do about my new step sisters?
  91. How do I moove out at thirteen?
  92. Why are my cousins so sheltered?
  93. What can I do to get out of trouble?
  94. What are some songs like stay together for the kids ?
  95. how do you get strict parents to say "yes" to spending the night?
  96. How do I convince my mom into letting me live with her again?
  97. Who dont find this stupied?
  98. How do I cope with his deployment?
  99. How do I find out who my biological daddy is?
  100. how can I tell my dad I dont want to live with him?