Why is my mom so freaked?

Okay so im only 13 & I have a boyfriend [save your criticism for somebody that cares] my mom jsut found out about him like last week and didnt seem to mind so much, but did say she didnt approve. Well this weekend she found out that we had made out. Shes freaked. What can I do to make it better, why is she sooo freaked? Ugh. What else did she think I did with him, write him stupid love letters?

Answer #1

You are pretty young, I know that I would be “freaked out” if I was a parent and found out my little kid was making out.

Put yourself in your mom’s shoes.

Answer #2

tell her that you didn’t… and take things slow. she’s just worried about you. and tell her that you’ve only made out with him. and you’re 13.. you don’t need a boyfriend.

Answer #3

Just a tip - if you’re going to ask for advice, don’t start off with a snide comment like save your criticism for somebody that cares…it makes people not want to help you.

Try to understand that no matter how old you get, you’ll always be your mother’s baby, and she’s probably having a difficult time watching you grow up. Be patient…this too, will pass.

Answer #4

with parents its a scary thing to see how much their little girl has grown so much! You could just try to calm her down and tell her not to make such a big deal about it it was only a kiss in the end right?

Answer #5

She is freked out because this is how it starts… you make out then you guys masterbate together and then it comes to sex and we all know how it all can end up… she has a reason to be frekked she is worried about you…

Answer #6

well we are all teens so moms and dads get sycho and wanna b like “ Are you doing drugs?!” tell them the truth always and take care of your self! that means: clean your room, clean urself, fresh clothes, less phone and kiss ONE boy! No sex or naked ness haha anyway hang out wit nice people not ones that wanna have sex with you ever freaking moment!

Answer #7

Ok first of all it’s more mature at your age to write “stupid love letters” then to make-out. Almost every parent of a 13 year old would also “freak” if they knew their child was making out..if thats what you did. All im saying is that blaming every thing on our parents doesn’t do anything. They win every time..and at your age all guys want is, you know what and all they think about is how to get you in bed.. think about that and be mature about questions you put out there nobody cares what a 13 year old says about not being negative or whatever

Answer #8

okay yu guys… I apologize for tha “save your criticism” comment but if you read these maybe you would understand. none of these really answer what I can do to calm her down. they all pretty much say “its inappropriate fro a 13 year old to make out and he just wants to get in your pants” pleeease. first of all hes the only guy I have made out with… im not a hore. we both made a promise to eachother that we wouldnt have sex or even suggest it until we knew we were oth old enough and ready… so if you have any helpful advice id be happy to hear it.

Answer #9

ok to calm your mom down you need to be honest with her and I promise she will stop freaking out. try it and be more open with her

Answer #10

be like mom can we talk…and be like mom I no you mad but im 13 and im growing up and you are going to have to let go cant you be happy that I like someone and I really want you not to freak

Answer #11

Kuddos to icihibanarky for the snide comment piece!! my boyfriend’s family freak out when they come home to his shirt being off, saying he’s “naked.” Whatever. They take control and now him and I aren’t allowed to hang out without an adult around. Be happy your mom isn’t pulling that crap. Get over it, and accept that your mom isn’t freaking out over little things that happen all the time. She just doesn’t want to find out one day that you lied to her about going farther than a child, yes I’m referring to you as a child get over it, should NOT be doing. If there was time for you and your little guy friend to make out THE RIGHT WAY then it’s common for someone to jump to conclusioons. And BTW it’s common for people to write “stupid love letters,” even when someone is just about to die of old age. You’re not cool for calling things stupid and thinking that your mom is only freaking out for something “stupid.” Look at the big picture sweetie. If you were just on your mom’s good side at least 90% of the time then she wouldn’t be freaking out. Be honest with her. Not that hard.

Answer #12

; ehts just that yur still her lil girl and she cant stand to see yuh grow up kissingg boys and more . Or she probbly thinks yall are having sex .. My dad wont let me be alone w/ a boyfriendd for more then 30 minutes because he thinks we will do iht(sex)* but then I promised him I wont do such and if I want to ill just use condoms like my mom saidd so try convincing your mom yuh wont get pregneant or something she wont like(try too) ; hhope dis helps (: good luck ;

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