How do I cope with his deployment?

My husband left for his “6 month” deployment today, and has been the hardest day of my life…I’ve cried almost all day 6 hrs straight… thought the tears would eventually stop…but never did. Bad news I found out this morning, Theyre going to Haiti’s now as a detour from their deployment to help the remaining survivors with plenty of replenishments. I wanna put myself in a psych ward, but find there is some other way, besides family support centers…I need to know the best way to handle this situation… Oh and I didnt mention that right now im 4 months pregnant, and hes going to miss my delivery. please MILITARY WIVES HELP ME COPE.

Answer #1

Its the worst feeling ever to see someone you love so dearly leave. As much as it hurts you it hurts him. The child you bear inside of you was bore out of love, he will miss it yes and I know for sure that deep down he will cry at the fact that he won’t be there to hold the child in his arms just remember that he left for a just cause and you know that he loves you, remember that he loves you and he will come back too you so long as you wait for him.

Answer #2

I know I’m only 16, but I know what your going through.. all three of my siblings are in the military, and a month ago all of them were deployed at the same time, 2 in afghanistan, and 1 in iraq.. right now, 1 is in afghanistan, another is in iraq, and the other is in london.. through this whole process I cried from everything, I was delicate about the subject of soldiers..if I heard the national anthem, I would cry. but these tears weren’t really from being scared, it was tears of honor.. I’ve learned to focus on the positives, but prepare for the negatives. a deployment is really hard for the solder, family, and friends. and he’ll need you when he comes back home. just be there for him when he calls, put a smile on your voice and say ‘I love you’ and tell him that you’re always thinking of him.. for me, I say that if their time, it’s their time.. there’s nothing I can do about it. be strong hun, u’ll be alright (:

Answer #3

You HAVE to be strong. Its hard the first few days or weeks but it DOES get easier. When I was married to a Marine he was gone 3 months at a time, twice a year. And then the last year he was gone for 6 months to Japan.

Fact is, if you love him and want to make things easier for him…buck up. Be strong. Find something to do with your time. Do you work? Have a hobby?

Do whatever it takes to get our of your head. And trust me, enjoy this time. Because when he come back and then you all of a sudden have to start sharing the bed, and remote, and food again…its NOT a fun adjustment! LOL!

Congratulations on your baby, by the way.

Answer #4

You’ll be fine…just keep in touch and write letters to help you with your emotions. I would also suggest keeing in touch with family and friends. They will help you as well. I was gone for 8 months to Iraq and friends (Marines) help each other through the hard times. He will be home before you know it.

Good Luck.

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