how do I tell my mum I got a demerit?

I got a demerit in science for nothing and I don’t know how to tell my mum… I don’t know if she will take my phone or computer or something away and I’m a bit scared! x.

Answer #1

how about you just tell her calmly. and stop being so technologically dependent. if she takes your electronics away, it’ll be for a few days. I’m pretty sure you can live without it.

Answer #2

realy its nothinq that biq shes qoinq to over react;be cool wit that

Answer #3

I have a serious doubt that it was for nothing.

Just be mature about and ‘fess up…she may not be as angry as you’re assuming.

Answer #4

im not trying to sound rude, but your not the only person who gets things like that and gets in trouble. Its part of life. I get my phone taken away all of the time. its not that big of a deal.

Answer #5

Just tell her. Seriously, it’s not worth all that agonizing. So she’ll take your phone or computer away for a few days. You’ll get it back.

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