What am I supposed to do?!?!?

I am going on with a lot of other problems besides this. I would like to deal with this problem before dealing with my bigger and smaller problems because this seems like a root problem. I would really appreciate any advice at thiss point because I just dont know what to do anymore. All my friends usually come to me for advice and so I only have a few people to go to and those people arent helping. I know most people havent been in this situation but anything could help… Im desperate!!!

Answer #1

Stop trying to impress others and start being honest. Your friends will have an even greater respect for you if you show them that you too, are human. Your true friends will still love you and all it can do is strengthen your relationship with them and set you free from whatever you’re going thro. The bible says we need to confess our faults that we may be healed, so there you go- confess your faults and may the truth set you free :)

Answer #2

HAHA!!! What is The problem???

Answer #3

whats your problem?

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