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When can I move out of my house?
Ok so im 16 and I wanna move outta my parents house and in with my boyfriend. But my parents think they will have to pay child support when im gonna be supported without them. How can I get my parents to let me move in with him and have them not get stuck paying support? I dont want them to so does that count for anything? Also will I still have my medical coverage??
You may also want to look at this…
Minors – Emancipation of Minor – New York The State of New York does not have an emancipation statute available or a court proceeding to remove the disability of minority. Rather, the status of a youth will turn on the specific facts of the case.
According to caselaw, in the State of New York “emancipation” has been defined as the renunciation of parental rights to a child. Gittleman v. Gittleman, 81 A.D. 2d 632, 438 N.Y.S. 2d 130 (2d Dept. 1981); Wayne County Dept. of Soc. Serv. v. Schultz, 81 Misc. 2d 603, 366 N.Y.S. 2d 845 (Fam. Ct. Wayne County 1975).
Also a minor is considered emancipated if the following events have occurred:
He or she is married. Cochran v. Cochran, 196 N.Y. 86, 89 N.E. 470 (1909); Matter of Williams, & 106 Misc. 2d 280, 431 N.Y.S. 2d 334 (Fam. Ct. Monroe County 1980); Bach v. Long Island Jewish Hospital, 49 Misc. 2d 207, 267 N.Y.S. 2d 289 (Sup. Ct.Nassau County 1966).
He or she is in the armed services. Zuckerman v. Zuckerman, 154 A.D. 2d 666, 546 N.Y.S. 2d 666 (2d Dept. 1989); Fauser v. Fauser, 50 Misc. 2d 601, 271, N.Y.S. 2d 59 (Fam. Ct. Nassau County 1966).
He or she has established a home and is financially independent. Roe v. Doe, 29 N.Y.2d 188, 272 N.E.2d 567, 324 N.Y.S.2d 71 (1971); Knoll v. Kilcher, 100 A.D. 2d 686, 473 N.Y.S. 2d 887 (3rd Dept. 1984); Giovagnioli v. Ft. Orange, 133 N.Y.S. 92 (3rd Dept. 1911); Rosemary v. George, 103 Misc.2d 1036, 427 N.Y.S.2d 553 (Fam. Ct. Dutchess County 1980); Bickford v. Bickford, 83 Misc. 2d 571, 371 N.Y.S. 2d 782 (Fam. Ct. Schenectady County 1975).
His or her parent has failed to fulfill parental support obligations and the minor seeks emancipation. Gittleman, 81 A.D. 2d 632, 438 N.Y.S. 2d 130; Murphy v. Murphy, 206 Misc. 2d 228, 133 N.Y.S. 2d 796 (Sup. Ct. Broome County 1954).
Found this online…maybe you saw it but incase you didn’t here goes…
It is my understanding that New York does not have a law which provides for emancipation. (That is, unlike in most states, there is no mechanism by which a minor can go to court and formally petition to be declared an emancipated minor.) However, it is also my understanding that New York courts will recognize the status of an emancipated minor, assuming that the minor meets the essential elements of being emancipated.
Those required elements are:
- The minor must be aged 16 or older;
- The minor must reside independently of his or her parents;
- The minor must be self supporting (although public assistance or court-ordered child support payments made to the minor would not disqualify the minor from being recognized as emancipated);
- The minor must not be in need of or receipt of foster care; and
- The minor must be living beyond the custody and control of his or her parents.
well first of all you need to be 18 to move out and if anything I think that if your parents put you in a foster home or somewhere where you can get adopted you should be fine because then you can have your boyfriends parents adopt you =p lol hope this helps
..I don’t know your circumstances and why you want to move out of your parent’s home, but please weigh all the pros and cons before you make a decision. Think about your future and what you want for yourself and see beyond your present circumstance. Will moving benefit your future? Always, always, always think about what your life will be if you should take this step. It might work but if it doesn’t please be prepared for it and have an alternative plan. My grandma always said “Seeing be and living with me are two different things”…meaning all might seem well now, or the grass amy seem greener on the other side but will it be the same if you live it day in and day out. Will his parents feel the same way with you around all the time. Think about those things and if you come to the same decision…good luck.
Hey here is a little fact.
Your 16 and leave in the US
You are not legal
18 you can do whatever you want. But your under your perents supervition. I’m sure 3 years from now you will brake upo and come back to mom and dad asking for help. When you are young there is no such thing as real love. Am I saying that because I’ve never been loved? No I’m saying that because I use to thing I would be in love for ever with the same pearson.
I meant to say “seeing ME”…he he he and I also meant to say the grass MAY seem greener…lol…I’m so silly. I also forgot some question marks and periods but you are not going to grade me right?…lol…SMH…silly me.
I live in new york state and there is no emancipation law…and seeing how much you know my boyfriend and I will last dam people are dumb seriously you dont know me or him so think before you speak…
uhm. 16, and moving out with a boyfriend. thats kind of stupid. I mean. your relationship is proly not even going to last that long. seriously, think about it. what happens if it doesnt last. will yiou parents take you back?
What about emancipation
Oh and ya by the way he lives with his parents and they want me to move in…
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