Questions & Answers

  1. What's your opinion about child soldiers?
  2. What are the best iPhone 4S apps that start with the letter "I"?
  3. How can I create my own iPhone application?
  4. Is God real; does HE exists?
  5. How do you dye your hair with Kool-Aid?
  6. Why do we sway our arms when we walk?
  7. Why do you sweat when you break a bone?
  8. What do you think of slow walking people, especially when they take up all the path?
  9. Is this an effective affirmation against introversion?
  10. What are some of the stupidest laws on the books, in your State or area?
  11. Should I get Dahlia Bites/piercings if I have a crooked smile?
  12. Which one is grammatically correct: "Good afternoon, Sir." (the letter S is in capital or "Good afternoon, sir."?
  13. Is there a website that solves Sudoku puzzles for you?
  14. How do I stop hating my eyes?
  15. What are some ways I can learn Spanish?
  16. Is there going to be a My Little Pony movie?
  17. How to cure a blister?
  18. What do you think of J. Edgar Hoover; was he a good or a bad guy?
  19. What supplies would a 7th grader need for school?
  20. What are some things you can do to naturally improve body odor?
  21. Why is my left foot hurting much more than my right foot?
  22. Why am I such a restless sleeper?
  23. Why are harmful acne products being approved for sale?
  24. Is a playboy bunny outfit too out of place to wear for Mardi Gras?
  25. Can women wear a sports bra on the street without a shirt or not?
  26. What's the subscriber name on the MassHealth insurance card?
  27. FunAdvice Trivia: What legend is Matt Wagner's MAGE based upon?
  28. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Churros with Chocolate Dipping Sauce
  29. What to do to remove keloid?
  30. What website could I go to to record my voice and make it sound better?
  31. What job could a 14/15 year old get in California?
  32. What to do in a situation similar to 50 shades of gray?
  33. How can I make my chest not shrink dramatically when working out or losing weight?
  34. How likely (in percentage) do you think I am for having twins?
  35. Is it creepy to friend request all of your boyfriend's friends?
  36. What does it mean to eat "moderately"?
  37. Are digital pianos good to get if you can't afford a real one?
  38. What is the difference between legal pot and illegal pot?
  39. Is there any way to make the clouds rain and avoid the drought?
  40. Should I stay with my foster parents or go back to my real parents?
  41. How painful are corset piercings compared to facial piercings?
  42. What are your personal thoughts on ginger hair?
  43. is 75kg to 70 kg good for a months swimming every other day?
  44. How often should you re-apply Deep Heat to sports injuries?
  45. Where can I buy gift cards; the kind that you can use anywhere?
  46. Does the name "Satellite" sound masculine or feminine or both?
  47. How long should it take to send a letter to South Carolina, USA from British Columbia, Canada?
  48. What can stop a girl from getting her period?
  49. Why would my aunt say this during dinner? (read more)
  50. How do you get rid of chigger bites?
  51. What vitamin does vegetables need to grow?
  52. What theme should I have for my room?
  53. What is a boarding disk for a computer?
  54. FunAdvice Trivia: What 1970's children's show starred John Whitaker?
  55. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Peanut Butter Cup Brownies
  56. Why does my 10 year old's right oblique hurt every time she takes long walks?
  57. What's wrong with my ankle?
  58. Does this sound like Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
  59. How can I deal with my discomfort around my boyfriend's sister? (read more)
  60. What do you think of Athletic Bilbao's policy of fielding Basque players only?
  61. Can anyone post the link of the official video "So Hard" by Rihanna?
  62. Should I dye my hair blonde?
  63. How do you lose weight with a terrible metabolism?
  64. How long does it take to reach Mars?
  65. Do you think schools should be permitted to give girls a pregnancy test and if they are pregnant they have to leave the school?
  66. Is it conceited if I think I'm beautiful?
  67. Why does a lot of people wipe their tears with their fingers and then look at the tear?
  68. What are your favourite kind of sweets?
  69. Who has watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead?
  70. What does a pilates machine do to help your body?
  71. How can I tell my boyfriend I'm not ready to sleep with him without him getting mad or upset?
  72. Why doesn't the iPod get the wireless signal even if I put in the right password?
  73. Is it safe to put jarred baby food, like veggies, in a baby bottle that has milk in it?
  74. Can you buy sugar gliders from the pet store?
  75. FunAdvice Trivia: What TV series did Chris Carter credit as a major inspiration for The X-Files?
  76. What are some good ideas on how to fake sick so that you don't have to go to school?
  77. How to stop scratching skin if it is itchy?
  78. What can I do about this emotional stress?
  79. What is an alternative or substitute for an aftershave?
  80. How do you tell someone that you used to talk to that you have a boyfriend now and you're trying to stay faithful?
  81. Is Plato's Closet a good place to shop for "scene" clothes?
  82. Do adults and elderly still have dreams?
  83. Do you think people should be arrested for killing a murderer?
  84. What could be causing this pain, shortness of breath, and dizziness? (read more)
  85. What kinds of things should I buy for volleyball this season?
  86. What kind of styles would suit me?
  87. How do you clean piercing clamps?
  88. How do I get over the guilt of 'live feeding'?
  89. Are these dead/popped veins? (photos)
  90. How old do you have to be to see Derren Brown live?
  91. Why is my dad such a creeper?
  92. Can I get a tattoo even if I have blood problems?
  93. How do meal plans or cafe's work in college?
  94. What is the most crazy/dramatic/beautiful makeup you have ever seen? (Show pictures)
  95. Who is Charlie Chaplin?
  96. What should I wear on a plane journey?
  97. What defines a relationship?
  98. Is it normal for make up to make your eyes feel heavy?
  99. What are the side effects of laser treatment for rosacea?
  100. Why is my lip piercing so itchy?