Is God real; does HE exists?

if yes is there any proof?

Answer #1

You need to figure that out for yourself. There will be plenty of people who will say that he is very real and there will be plenty of other people that will say that he does not exist. It’s up to you to believe in him or not.

Answer #2

Yes of course!!!! How are you alive?, how was this planet made? how was everything created? all by God. & your either going to Hell or Heaven after you die all creations of God.

Answer #3

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen…Hebrews 11:1 ….see John 3:16

Answer #4

Personally, no. I believe in Darwin’s theory, period. Although i do believe in spirits but no heaven and hell. Many people have different views so it’s totally up to you what you choose to believe. May i add, i also believe we should keep our opinions to ourselves because it does create arguments ect..

Answer #5

For science and reason, there is NO proof that a god exists, nor proof that a god doesn’t exist. The very existence or not of something for which no physical evidence exists is outside the realm of science

The ‘proof’ of the existence of a god is the faith of the believers and their interpretation of reality. And of course the bible that THEY wrote; and usually quote to ‘prove’ their point..

If you take the path of believing through faith, that is your right. My right is to go with science and reason, which do a good job of explaining most of the fundamental questions, and more importantly, are always heading towards a more complete picture of reality.

Take care, and Good Luck!!

Answer #6

How are we alive? How was the planet made? Science. .-.

Answer #7

you were created by something called se­xual reproduction the planet was made over a million years ago, they once knew the answer, but like a pop song, everyone just forgot :P

also, explain dinosaurs without using the words “devil”, “trick” “put them there” or “because faith”


Answer #8

You where created by whatever you believe in(although I think it’s obviously sex >_>). How are the dinosaurs a work of the devil? Wtf

Answer #9

@arcticwolf you have not jeard about “the devil put the bones in the earth to trick believers” argument :D

Answer #10

Of course He is real. Proof? There’s no proof to non-believes, though there’s proof to believers.

Answer #11

Here’s a couple steps for you. 1.)Go get a bible. 2.)Open it up. 3.)Read it. 4.)Believe. ♥

Answer #12

There is no objective proof or disproof of God. It comes down to is it reasonable to believe or disbelieve in God. Looking at all the gods in various religions none of them seem likely. The Abrahamic Judeo-Christian-Muslim God seems self-contradictory. He creates mankind imperfect then damns us for being human. He makes belief in an absurd act of torture the main criterion for salvation. He claims to be good but if it is evil to unjustly punish someone than God who doles out infinite punishment for finite sin becomes the ultimate evil. I wouldn’t wish eternal torment on my worst enemy so do I have more compassion for my worst enemy than God does for his “children” he purportedly loves? Even if I believed the God of the Bible existed I’d have to side with Satan as the lesser evil.

Answer #13

I belive god created everything that’s MY opinion. Sheesh.

Answer #14

Here are some steps for you

  1. close the bible
  2. set it down
  3. ask questions
  4. decide what you believe

I don’t inten to bash religion (I am religious) I just want to end the close minded thought it creates

Answer #15

Depends on your perspective. There are only theories. For example, sciene says there there was a big bang between gasses and that created the universe. Then evolution followed. Another example, God created the world in seven days. There are many others around the world and non of them for sure and we may never know. There is no real truth and nowon has a right to force an opionon on you. Your going to grow up and come up with your own theory whether following one or coming up with another. Best way to figure it out for yourself is listen openmindedlly to others beliefs and decide which sounds more reasonable and right to you.

Answer #16

its a contradictory statement. and really confusing too.. i think it depends on a situation like if a thing happens according to you. u r very happy and believes that God is there. but when a thing happens against your will u feels depressed and stop believing in God. it depends on the circumstances.

Answer #17

its a contradictory statement. and really confusing too.. i think it depends on a situation like if a thing happens according to you. u r very happy and believes that God is there. but when a thing happens against your will u feels depressed and stop believing in God. it depends on the circumstances.

Answer #18

You can bet Satan loves you for saying that last sentence….His will

Answer #19

I didn’t mean for this comment to be rude. I was just saying that that’s what I would do if I was questioning God. Which you should never do. There’s no reason to question Him.

Answer #20

Questions help you deepen your faith. If you can’t question your own faith then it obviously isn’t very strong

Answer #21

its very true. will. anaopolis if ur faith is without logic, its blind faith.

Answer #22

That’s not how I was taught. You should never, ever have to question your faith. And if you’re a Christian, never question God and what He has in store for you. That’s just my beliefs. I’m not saying anything against what you stand for and believe in yourself.

Answer #23

See the only issue with that is if you only look at your own religion how do you know it’s right? You follow blindly, sooner or later you’ll probably trip and fall

Answer #24

[16.12] And He has made subservient for you the night and the day and the sun and the moon, and the stars are made subservient by His commandment; most surely there are signs in this for a people who ponder;

a verse from the quran…you decide…look around you!

Answer #25

There are many signs in the heavens and the earth which they pass by; yet they pay no attention to them!

thats another verse of the quran

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