What do you think of J. Edgar Hoover; was he a good or a bad guy?

I watched this movie of clint eastwood about J. Edgar Hoover and im not sure if this guy was good or bad, because he made the fbi, but he was against Martin Luther King and the movie didnt mention that he hid the proyects and ideas of Nicolas Tesla. So im kind of confused. Do you think he was a good or a bad guy? Tell me please thank you.

Answer #1

he was a lil strange loved dressing up as a women

Answer #2

J. Edgar Hoover was a bad guy. He used the FBI to infiltrate, discredit and disrupt political enemies. The FBI amassed a great deal of embarrassing or incriminating information that it used to blackmail politicians and other power people. Rather than investigate real criminals like the Mafia, J Edgar investigated people he considered subversive like communists, civil rights leaders, The Beatles, etc. Politicians feared J Edgar so nobody spoke out against him while he was alive. His offenses were not widely known until after his death.

Answer #3

Edgar Hoover was as highly intelligent as he was ruthless. And he used fear as a tool that elivated him to having too much power. A power he didn’t hesitate to utilize for his own personal agendas. Anyone who went to the aide of anyone he targeted became a target themselves.

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