Questions & Answers

  1. How do I get a girlfriend?
  2. Is it safe to masturbate if you don't have your period?
  3. How to download pictures to my Blackberry from my PC?
  4. How to delete songs from my iPod Nano?
  5. How to let a person know I love them?
  6. How can I fix my huge round pig nose?
  7. How to I get my parents to leave me alone?
  8. Why do I need a credit card to use my iTunes giftcard?
  9. Did my hymen pop?
  10. Do you believe in life after death?
  11. What do you think when you first read this?
  12. What color makeup should I use with brown eyes?
  13. Does my boyfriend really love me?
  14. Should I take out my nose ring?
  15. How to view deleted messages in my a social site inbox?
  16. Did you like "I Am Legend"?
  17. Does doing drugs make someone a bad person?
  18. Has anyone had a Brazilian bikini wax?
  19. Why is sex painful suddenly?
  20. How do I convince my dad to let me have a friend sleepover?
  21. When is the I Love New York II Reunion?
  22. How do I get rid of cold sores?
  23. Can fat people take salsa classes?
  24. Is my nose big?
  25. How to tell my ex and my parents that I'm pregnant?
  26. How to handle TMJ?
  27. How to help myself begin to eat again?
  28. What if there are two great guys in my life?
  29. What's so bad about having high self esteem?
  30. Where is Homest Jackson in Sims 2 for DS?
  31. What are good brands for cover up?
  32. Where to start a singing artist career?
  33. How to write a song?
  34. Should I talk to my manager about feeling like her slave?
  35. How can I convince my friend to lose weight with me?
  36. What's a good tea cake recipe?
  37. What's my dachshund mixed with?
  38. How to stop these period pains?
  39. How do I put songs from my iPod or CD onto Myspace?
  40. Who can answer my Monroe piercing questions?
  41. Will we work if we go to different colleges?
  42. How to convert mp4 to wmv for free?
  43. What is this crease across my stomach?
  44. How to get my parents to accept my friends and boyfriend?
  45. What's a great game to become addicted to?
  46. How to compromise with disciplining our boys?
  47. What should I wear to his party?
  48. Why doesn't he like me back?
  49. Why is there so much discharge?
  50. How to hook up PS3 internet useing ethernet cable?
  51. How the pixie haircut came to be?
  52. What are good games for the Wii?
  53. What pants to use on Imagine Fashion Designer for DS?
  54. What are good exercise plans for help me lose weight?
  55. How to tone my arms?
  56. What do I do with a nine-year-old?
  57. Is there a good site for free dancing lessons?
  58. Am I pregnant?
  59. What are good hairstyles for a guy?
  60. Should I dye my whole head?
  61. Why is my ex such a jerk?
  62. Why have we lost hot water out of the bath faucet?
  63. is there a difference between...
  64. What happens to my body if I stop eating?
  65. Am I pregnant?
  66. Will it hurt less if I finger myself?
  67. Why is it by Timbaland if he doesn't sing it?
  68. Can I get rid of stretchmarks?
  69. What's wrong with my XBOX or TV?
  70. Would you date a criminal?
  71. How to start sleeping a normal schedule again?
  72. Should I meet him?
  73. Will I have a higher risk of miscarriage?
  74. How to become a better runningback?
  75. Is he cheating?
  76. What is this song about our song called?
  77. Does anyone go on HabboHotel?
  78. Has anyone used Bag Balm on their dogs or cats?
  79. Should I talk to my ex-girlfriend?
  80. How to start losing weight?
  81. Where is God?
  82. How to stop procrastinating with my homework?
  83. Is it hard to learn to play drums?
  84. Are hackers bad?
  85. What's the best public place to have sex?
  86. Do you like this poem?
  87. How to tone down red tint in my hair?
  88. Where to find english Naruto without downloading?
  89. How to see if my best guy friend likes me too?
  90. Who knows anything about snake bite piercings?
  91. Do you think I can make friends at a different school?
  92. What if I don't want to hurt him?
  93. Why won't guys talk to me at school?
  94. How to open up an older guy?
  95. Why is it so hard to call someone your best friend?
  96. Is it Armageddon?
  97. Am I crazy to have his baby?
  98. Should I stay in my high school or transfer?
  99. Do you know Greek Mythology?
  100. How to find out if my questions have answers?