Why doesn't he like me back?

there is this boy that I REALLY REALLY like I’ve liked him 4 2yrs the only reason I started to like him cause I thought he liked me he was flirting with me and we had are little jokes. everyone told me he always checks me out one tome I was talking to him and I saw look at my chest that was last year now heres the problem after summer vacation when I came back to school he found out I liked him he dosent talk to me anymore and im afraid to talk to him. my friends tell me that im too good for him and I deserve better I know I do but I really like this boy I want him to ask me out I wannabe with him!!! please help me

Answer #1

you need to talk to him. even if it’s just a little hello. just say hi and ask him how his summer went. that will lead to more talking and as you get closer you will find out why he doesn’t like you .

Answer #2

I had the same sort of problem I’ve loved a guy for 3 years now but only because he told me he was in love with me but never acted on obviously he found out ages ago but lads are pretty much too immature to deal with the whole thing so they find it easier to just stop talking to you I cant say if this guy likes you or not and I know you cant make someone want to be with you I’ve tried alls you can do is hope that one day hell realise he wants to be with you to…

Answer #3

You cant make someone like you.

Answer #4

every one says ohhh you dont desrve him but really I know how you feel if you dont desrve him then why cant you have him and even though you dont deserve him you dont care and you still crush on him… I just fell in love with this one kid and hes just perfect sooo I figured it out… I was going to ask him out and he was going to say yes then we were going to be the best coul=ple ever! turns out he doesnt like me and I feel empty and numb I just have to take deap breaths and I just cant do this. I start to think “what did I do and I to ugly? weird? do I not have good taste in something or what? god, why does it have to be that way, everyone says youre 2 good for him any way but you know deep down inside that you arn’t and thats why you second guess urself :-(

Answer #5

did you try and talk to him if not call him or get a minute alone with him ask him why he stopped talkin to you if its for that reason for sure ask him why you cant be friends and him checkin out your chest does not mean he likes you he might just want some and friends always say that

Answer #6

I have the same problem..I like this guy..and hes always like oh I know you like me and I always say no..[but I really do]..I dont want to be like yea I do like you and then he might not like me back and I dont want to look like a loser..and he also flirted with me all the time and he was sending me wrong signals and stuff.

Answer #7

because your ugly

who would ?

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