How to help myself begin to eat again?

hey, well, I’m officially anorexic, I hate it :| I’m 14 years old and weigh 4stone 7lbs and I’m 5”6, that’s well under weight for my height. don’t know why I decided to do this to be honest it’s horrible. when all my friends are eating it makes me feel physically sick, I seriously, mentally and physically can’t even eat half a slice of toast without throwing up, but I want to be normal again, I have been to re -hab but it obviously hasn’t worked, and I hated it there I’d hate to go back.

anyone sensible got any ideas so I can actually eat, please help I don’t want to go back to hospital. all appreciated thanks x

Answer #1

hey, well, I’m officially anorexic, I hate it :|

Well, that’s a first…

If you are nauseated by food both mentally & physically, then YOU NEED TO GO TO REHAB. There are no tips or tricks that’ll cure a mental disorder, you need professional help. If it obviously hasn’t worked like you said, then you need to visit a better rehab center…

Answer #2

OMG like just by the way you sed the first scentence you wudnt b open 2 admit it if you was anorexic trust I no I was once My physolojist told me the anorexia is like having a split personality like- One prt of you is norml and wnts to eat bt the ova prt is hlding you bk tellin you ya still fat IF you are anorexic then you need 2 go back to rehab and b with sumova girls suffering from the disease I no I hated rehad aswell bt you need 2 relise its the onlii way 2 get betta you shud also get a phycolojist mine really helped you learn 2 trust em and tlk 2 em I no rehab id Bad and they make you eat every last scrap off ya plate and it suks bt thats my main advie go bk 2 rehab PLUS I don’t FINK you are ANOREXIC because THEY WUDNT OF LET you OUT OF REHAB IF you WERNT BETTA* STOP BULLSHITTIN IT NOT FUNNI.

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