Is my nose big?

my nose is really big what do I do?

Answer #1

agh, please quit posting questions like this! a frickin clothes pin is not going to make you nose smaller! unless you want to save up for rhinoplasty, your stuck with big nose. dont you have a daughter to go raise or something? your wasting time with all of these lame, pointless ‘questions’ !

Answer #2

no..actually, my baby is with her daddy for tonight and she’s been there because I had to work today…got a problem with that? I don’t really care if my nose is big. I just think it’s fun to read what other people have to say I mean..let’s be honost, I don’t know anyone on here cept my besty choochee so it doesn’t bother me what you say about me…DUH!

Answer #3

yea, I know, when I was in like 6th grade this girl told me my nose was big and that keeping a cloths pin on it at night would help it get smaller, she said that was what she did to keep her nose from getting big. I didn’t do it because I didn’t want my nose to end up shaped like hers but man…I tried it and it hurt!!!

Answer #4

this is what yur going to do: 1.obtain $5,000 or more 2.find a good doctor/surgeon 3.GET A NOSE JOB!!!

its the easiest way!!!

Answer #5

So what? My mom has a big nose, many people do. Be happy of what you got.

Answer #6

And no I don’t think your nose is big sorry I didnt see that part of the question.

Answer #7

Your nose is not big!:)

Answer #8

The only thing I can think of is getting a nose job…

Answer #9

what can you do about it that was the way you was a born

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