Questions & Answers

  1. How is Fox Island, Washington?
  2. What would be a good price for a baby shower cake for about 30-40 people, and the place to get it?
  3. Can you tell me all the information I need about gauge piercing?
  4. Is there a way to track someone's ip address?
  5. What can I do to reduce the symptoms and prevent my carpel tunnel from getting worse?
  6. What song should I use for the intro of a video about music?
  7. What could I write to my French teacher as an apology for skipping class?
  8. When you go into a sauna at the gym, what do people wear?
  9. Would they have been able to see if it was a boy by 30 weeks?
  10. Why are there subliminal messages in advertisements and movies?
  11. Would it be okay if I stretch my ear from a 0g to a 7/16g?
  12. How do I get this embarrassing picture off of Google (read description)?
  13. What do you consider to be "redneck, hillbilly or country"?
  14. Is it bad for the baby if you're always sad and crying?
  15. Do you think religion is dying out as time goes by?
  16. Who here thinks that those shocking muscle pics on the ad are fake?
  17. Does arthritis run in families?
  18. What's the best hair care products for bleached hair?
  19. How do you soothe red, irritated skin fast (see description)?
  20. Why does iPad not accept adobe flash and does iPad 2 accept adobe flash?
  21. Who is watching the Barcelona and Man United match?
  22. What is a good product that makes your lips fuller?
  23. How do I download YouTube videos to my iPod for free?
  24. Why does my knee click?
  25. Does anyone think the song "Judas" by Lady Gaga is bad if you're Christian?
  26. How can paper be so sharp?
  27. How much time does it take to upload a video from your computer to the FunAdvice video gallery?
  28. Is it safe for 12/13 year olds to use a tampon?
  29. What are really cute stores for pre-teens?
  30. How can I learn more about other religions?
  31. What are your thoughts on the "end of the world" in October?
  32. What pills help calm you down/control anger?
  33. Who goes with MU and who's with Barca?
  34. Do Irish people speak Irish, or just English, or some other language?
  35. How do you say "I left" in Spanish?
  36. What can I do to stop my velvet clothing from rolling up in the dryer?
  37. Who else can't wait for the new "Captain America" movie?
  38. Can my friend make a police report because she assumes that I have her ipod at my house when I dont?
  39. Why do some vegetarians eat eggs?
  40. What will happen to those people who die without knowing any religion?
  41. What drives people insane enough for them to take their own lives?
  42. How to get rid of small annoying bumps on upper arms and shoulders without a doctor?
  43. Is there any way to get rid of a muscle spasm (read description)?
  44. Is it possible to get abs by working out without changing my diet (read description)?
  45. Is it possible to be too tired to sleep, too tired to think, too tired to comprehend anything?
  46. Is it normal to get two pimples on your wrist and one that has the white stuff that's ready to pop?
  47. When should I plant my bean plant in an actual garden?
  48. What makes addictions so hard to quit, and how do they start?
  49. Should you let a toddler cry himself to sleep when he has a cold?
  50. How do I stop the caller's number from popping up on the television(read description)?
  51. Can my mom be mad at me for not helping her because I don't want to get sick?
  52. Does anybody know how many steps the average person takes in one lifetime?
  53. Is there something I can use for a capo on my guitar until I can get an actual capo?
  54. How to stop getting sick from my little brother?
  55. How can i stop chewing the skin around my fingers?
  56. What day does YOUR summer start this year?
  57. Can somebody give me a list of great blog topics that would bring a lot of traffic?
  58. What can I say to my friend to reassure her that everything will be ok?
  59. Is it possible to determine a baby's eye colour before it's born?
  60. How do you save all your messages from your sidekick into your sim card?
  61. How do you tell your mom you don't want to live with her any more without being a total jerk?
  62. What should a guy bring to his dance recital?
  63. How do you make a cute nail designs at home?
  64. What are some old fashioned singers/songs?
  65. Is seeing your favorite singer in concert the same as meeting them?
  66. What's your opinion on JLS?
  67. Is the song "Secret" by The Pierces folk pop or folk rock?
  68. Is Lady Gaga a free mason?
  69. Why do some people think that love is only public affection?
  70. Should I quit trying to pursue my GED diploma?
  71. How much do garbage men make a year in Chicago?
  72. Why is it so hard to tell if celebrities have a real tan or a fake baked sprayed tan?
  73. Do jobs require a skill?
  74. What would my major be if I wanted to be a 2nd grade teacher?
  75. Who loves Alex Pettyfer?
  76. Are Seventh Day Adventists allowed to be touched by males?
  77. What is your favorite alcohol shot?
  78. How old were you when you learned how to drive?
  79. How to wash Nike Air Max 2011 shoes?
  80. Who likes the game "Dirt 3" for the Xbox and is it good?
  81. What should I know before using Creatine?
  82. Is "Masque" the same thing as "Mask"?
  83. How do you smooth out a raspy singing voice?
  84. Can my friend call the police on her mom?
  85. Who else thinks that the teachers not getting paid what they want is stupid?
  86. Is the fear of being touched a sign of anxiety in the past or present?
  87. Can US Aliens (non-citizens) vote in election?
  88. Does anybody know who won the 2011 Celebrity Apprentice?
  89. Is .docx the same as .doc?
  90. How can I get rid of viruses on my computer without buying a program to do so?
  91. What are some class songs for the class of 2012?
  92. What is the hardest thing about your life?
  93. Why do mosquito bites itch?
  94. What network is better - Orange, Three, Vodaphone, or T-mobile?
  95. Why do some people post their life story on here?
  96. What can I do to alleviate some of the pain in my wrists?
  97. How to get motivated to run?
  98. Does anyone have fast-ish songs that sound good acoustic and everybody knows?
  99. Which do you think is worse - female bullies, male bullies, or do you think they're equal?
  100. Who messed up - President Obama or the orchestra?