What's your opinion on JLS?

there a british boyband, ive seen them 6th row and front row :)

Answer #1

I don’t think my opinion of JLS is printable. I’d probably be banned from Funadvice for saying what I think! but, having said it’s cool you like them and I hope you have fun :)

Answer #2

hahah thanks :P

Answer #3

I think they are okay, they are just a boy band, nothing special a little boring and there songs sound the same.

Answer #4

what is JLS??

Answer #5

A British band.

Answer #6

I enjoy their music! They’re pretty good.

Answer #7

they suck.. the cant dance, dress or anything.. they proper piss me offf.. i dont follow them so thats the only thing i notice about them and i do not like it

Answer #8

I luuuvvv themm!! Yourr sooo luucckyy!! Have funn ;)

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