Questions & Answers

  1. Sky HD ad song?
  2. How much weight is unhealthy to lose in one month
  3. Is it a sin to be in love?
  4. Getting rid of face and back pimples
  5. Lump at the back of your throat?
  6. Life and Death
  7. I don't get how Les Miserables is so miserable
  8. Nothing to do
  9. Asian president?
  10. Is acting stupid and being blonde a bad thing?
  11. Romantic atmosphere
  12. Could my Mom die from asthma?
  13. Do you think I could be pregnant?
  14. how do I get vodka off my breath?
  15. My money tree plant needs to be rescued!
  16. How can I get over the past?
  17. Skin looks dark, is it from not sleeping?
  18. Memorizing a script
  19. How bad is it that I can not stand my fiancee's 10 year old?
  20. Mustache and can't wax
  21. Short fingernails
  22. L party! any ideas?
  23. How do I tell my parents I want to be an actress
  24. How to convince my mom I could handle a boyfriend at 13?
  25. What was/is your bra size when you were 15
  26. How to deal?
  27. How to get a muscular body and how long will it take?
  28. What are some good tips when auditioning in front of an agent
  29. How Successful are Online Degrees?
  30. My cat is peeing on our beds.
  31. Strait vs straight
  32. Is it true that it is harder for skinny people to get pregnant?
  33. Why cant I upload any pictures?
  34. I Still Love Him But Im Torn
  35. Love and past
  36. Baby sitting
  37. Who do you think should ask who out?
  38. How to have wifi on a laptop?
  39. Punch her or be done?
  40. Family Tree Symbols
  41. would you wear the same pants again?
  42. Laptop won't register CDs
  43. Lighten/take away scars?
  44. How do you lose weight in one week
  45. Pulling teeth?
  46. Moving out (under 18)
  47. Can boys and girls be just friends?
  48. Scene or Emo?
  49. Normal for boobs to continue growing at 17?
  50. How to get rid of bad gas?
  51. Bulk up in 1 month
  52. Cool hairstyles for school?
  53. Songs for a band?
  54. I hate my reading class
  55. is it true that birth control can cause infertility?
  56. Should a guy know the real truth if you ever cheared on him?
  57. Parents and sex
  58. Can a planet float on water?
  59. How to get a cough syrup stain out of my carpet?
  60. Computer problems
  61. I need a vet now!!!
  62. Full lips Tan Skin
  63. Missing my mother?
  64. Did bob hope have a birth mark?
  65. Do you think skinny jeans make people look taller?
  66. What songs are going to be on eric church's new album?
  67. Why can we rate each others questions?
  68. Scary books?
  69. What do you think of this poem? Honest answers please
  70. How much does a sonogram cost?
  71. Girlfriend birthday present
  72. This is a tough one. Can it work out? Please, opinions.
  73. Local office anyone?
  74. Should I tell my friend she looks bad in skinny jeans?
  75. Ridges in my nails
  76. Korena Seija
  77. Mixed race hair Problem...
  78. Slower metabolism
  79. Abnormal bump on penis
  80. Who hates math
  81. Are we allowed to have more than one group?
  82. whats is a good number of pages for a chapter in a novel?
  83. I need help my computer is so slow and annoying all the sudden ,
  84. What is the best web browser in your opinion?
  85. Cold mouth
  86. Is this a good costume?
  87. Rose red movie
  88. Does anyone procrastinate when it comes to doing homework?
  89. Name this song
  90. Seattle Seahawks
  91. What to say or do about this? Please help!
  92. How to make nails grow fater
  93. Nail biting... Unhealthy?
  94. I want to dye my hair...
  95. what is Russian Roulette.
  96. My spoiled cousin.
  97. Why I can't delete a question from my question list
  98. Is this normal my breast is biggeer than the other?
  99. Anyones b-day on the 16 of oct
  100. What is your most embarasing moment?