Do you think I could be pregnant?

I am 31 days late on my period I took a home test at 5 in the morning it come up positive then went to the doctors later on in the day and had another test done and it come up negitive I had check ups down as me and my partner dont wear condoms but all my results come back negitive so I know it aint nuffin bad but do you think I could by pregnant or not also I keep sick but can never attcally by sick please give me some advice

Answer #1

It’s odd that 31 days after your period, the doctor’s test would still come up negative.

This could mean a few things:

  1. The embryo is dead, and you just haven’t passed it yet (many times the embryo is dead for several days before we have signs of a miscarriage)

  2. Your test came up positive because you actually have an ovarian cysts. Ovarian cysts can make a pregnancy test come out with a false positive.

  3. The doctor’s tests are inaccurate (though I’ve never heard of this happening)

Answer #2

31 days late on your period could just mean that you skipped a period, which is a very common thing.

The doctor’s test tends to be more accurate, if for no other reason than they are used to doing it, and therefore less likely to mishandle the procedure. Take another test in a week or so.

Good Luck!!

Answer #3

Did the doctor do a urine test or a more conclusive blood test?

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