How to get a muscular body and how long will it take?

Okay I am 15 im okay in the built but I have a little bit of a gut and a little bit fat I want to look and feel good about my body. I am chubby I need to work on sum things but I want to know how and how long does it take to get a muscular attractive body and step by step what to do and how long it will take I need help because I am dedicated I just don’t know what to do. I want a strong chest, six pack abs, and muscular arms and to stop my legs from rubbing together I need help , and I heard if I am already chubby I’ll look pudgy. I dunno

Answer #1

which things I can eat to become fat

Answer #2

Look, here’s the short and honest truth. If you want a body that turns peoples heads you need the will and determination of a champion. That means don’t give up if you don’t see results right away. Some peoples bodies respond faster than others, in the genetic structure that is. Here’s a sample of the workout im doing for my upper body strength. But remember, if you want a body that turns heads, you need to work out all major body parts, yes that includes the legs. Also remember to cut out the fast food and soft drinks. Most imprtantly you need cardio, running is a prime example. Last but not least, when you feel like quiting, tell your body no! Remember, YOU control your body, not the other way around.

Day 1: Chest Find a weight that you can do no more than 12 reps with BENCH PRESS: 3 sets of 10 pausing only 35 seconds between each set. REST FOR 2 MINUTES- remember that you don’t want to pause for to long because blood flow and proper form are the key to a stronger and toned body. INCLINE DUMBELL FLIES: 4 sets of 10 pausing only 45 seconds between each set. NOW DO AS MANY PUSHUPS AS YOU CAN UNTIL FAILURE (Failure means do as many as you can until you can’t do anymore and your muscles can’t take the pain any longer) Now drink a protein shake and have nothing but water. NOW GO OUTSIDE AND RUN (Cardio that is)

Day 2: Biceps and Triceps Pick a weight that you can’t do anymore than 12 reps with. STANDING STRAIGHT BAR CURLS: 4 sets of 10 pausing only 50 seconds between each set. Take a 2 minute rest. STANDING HAMMER CURLS: 4 sets of 12 pausing only 35 seconds between each set. Take a 1 minute rest CONCENTRATION CURLS: 3 sets of 8 pausing only 20 seconds between each set. GO IMMEDIATELY TO A CHIN UP BAR AND DO AS MANY PULLUPS AS YOU CAN UNTIL FAILURE. NOW WORKOUT YOUR ABS UNTIL YOU CAN’T DO ANOTHER CRUNCH. Drink nothing but water and take in a high amount of protein.

Day 3 Triceps Pick a weight that you can’t do more than 12 reps with. LYING TRICEP EXTENSIONS: 4 sets of 12 pausing only 35 seconds between each set. BARBEL TRICEP EXTENSIONS: 4 sets of 12 and try not to pause until failure. NOW WORKOUT YOUR ABS AGAIN.

Sorry I can’t write anymore but I’ve got things to do. Remember that its okay to workout your abs 5 days in a row and give them only 2 days to rest and then start back up again.

If I could reveal more I would. But I’m still formulating this Workout routine.

Remember that eating healthy is the key along with proper form.

If you don’t know what all these excersies are check on the internet and go to for more info.

This is Mark Alvarez signing off- Good luck and never give up. REMEMBER THAT STRONG WILL AND PERSERVERENCE ARE THE KEY.




Answer #3

one of my older brotherz went through the same thing but then he signed up for a rugby team and worked out at the gym in our back yard. Now he is tanky and what a stud he is. And this was when he was 15 now hes 18 and got big bunz so maybe if you just work out a bit and just keep doing that every day then maybe youll be like my big bro but thats if you choose too aiight. Hope this helps wish you all the best..

Answer #4

If you want to get muscular YOU HAVE TO DO LEGS!!! You can’t just arms and chest ya it looks good but you have to have foundation to it also boosts your testoserone levels if you lift legs and while your at it you might as well do back.

Answer #5

Getting a muscular body requires a whole lifestyle change… you have to get about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight (a 150 lb person needs about 150 grams of protein). If you plan on being muscular you can say goodbye to fast foods and soft drinks. You will need to excercise each of your major muscle groups about once a week(chest, back, legs, shoulders), so you can plan on going to the gym about 4 times a week.

Any other questions or recommendations just ask me :)

Answer #6

Getting a muscular body requires a whole lifestyle change… you have to get about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight (a 150 lb person needs about 150 grams of protein). If you plan on being muscular you can say goodbye to fast foods and soft drinks. You will need to excercise each of your major muscle groups about once a week(chest, back, legs, shoulders), so you can plan on going to the gym about 4 times a week.

Any other questions or recommendations just ask me :)

Answer #7

exercise chest - 5hours each week biceps and trcieps and shoulders- 14 hours abs- 30 minutes of all sorts of execises ab related each day Physically challeging sports ( I mean hardcore like kickboxing etc)- 2/3 hours per week amongst protein filled diet and regular exercise like occasiional biking, jogging etc- You will have a six pack in about 3 and a half weeks, if you already slim, if not about 2 months. You should have huge biceps, chest, shoulders and triceps in 5 months- IF YOU FOLLOW THE ROUTINE- remember to increase weights and time sessions the older you get, but remember, you are ONLY 15!!!

Answer #8

It all depends on how serously yo take it and how far you want to go. I too play rugby since I was about 6 and I have never been ‘under fit’ if you get involved with a team game, then its exercise and you’ll enjoy it.

Gym sessions help but I think that endurance is a piority, if you want a defined body then you need to look and low reps and high weights, this will improve you strength and increase muscle density, however if you want toned and firm muscles then you want low weights and high reps, get sweaty and endure!!!

Also you need to keep your fitness, I lifeguard and every morning 3x a week there is this massively muscley black man, absoluty huge and he tries to swim, and he can’t because he is used to pushing iron rather than his body weight. swimming is a good way of loosing weight because its low impact, so you won’t get injured and it involves 95% of you bodies muscles.

Another little tip, NEVER diet and gym at the same time, if you think in the gym you ‘work’ your muscles and so they will need energy to recover and grow, if you are dieting at the same time, then you don’t give your muscles the energy that they need so you don’t benefit from the exerciseand also you increase the chance you have in injuring yourself. its a big no no.

hope it helps

Answer #9

check this site of mine.

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