Questions & Answers

  1. Where can I play the cast game?
  2. Could my hymen already be broken?
  3. What hardships have you been through? Pick me up!
  4. Can you transfer cell phones?
  5. Why can't I create a new screenname?
  6. What are the legal consequeces of moving out?
  7. Could I be pregnant?
  8. How can I lose 30lbs fast?
  9. How to handle attraction to a married man?
  10. Why isn't he thinking about me?
  11. Does McDonalds hire 13-year-olds?
  12. How do I find true love?
  13. Is there a scholarship for my Master's?
  14. Am I an outcast from society?
  15. What do I do when I'm in love with a famous actor?
  16. Should I stay with him or go?
  17. Do you know good game sites?
  18. Can I be jealous of a friend with benefits?
  19. Should I let him go or take him back?
  20. What's the best way to get over a break up?
  21. Where is the microphone port on a Dell?
  22. Can milk substitue for cream in ganache?
  23. Any jobs in Detroit for 14-year-olds?
  24. What turns guys on?
  25. Will I ever have sex with a guy?
  26. Anyone like Chris Brown or Pretty Ricky?
  27. Can you begin a sentence with "and"?
  28. Is Ghost Rider any good?
  29. Why isn't internet video working?- Thanks!
  30. Is it possible to get quick pecs with exercise?
  31. How can I get back with the girl I like?
  32. Does anyone know of a working gaia gold generator?
  33. What can I do? I just turned 19 & I am completely bored, any ideas?
  34. How can I find cute stuff for my AIM profile?
  35. Do you have any advice for sexual confusion?
  36. Should I break it off?
  37. Do you know this song?
  38. How long until chlamydia causes infertility?
  39. How do you safely lose weight in your butt?
  40. Do you know any cool hairstyles?
  41. How do I make her orgasm during oral sex?
  42. I need ideas to ask her out and set me apart.
  43. How can I get in shape with such a hectic life?
  44. Should I ask him out?
  45. How can I tell him I don't like him like that?
  46. Should I stay or go?
  47. Why isn't internet video working?
  48. How do you capture the dancing nutria in Urbz?
  49. What's your Xbox live gamer tag?
  50. I can't stop sweating!
  51. How to decorate the stage on Urbz?
  52. What's an Alaskan pipeline?
  53. Where Is The Love?
  54. Proactive for clearing small pimples?
  55. How can I become less clingy to my girlfriend?
  56. How can I have clear skin again?
  57. How can I lose weight without being in danger?
  58. How to lose weight in my butt?
  59. Does anyone like Usher?
  60. Should I keep waiting around for him?
  61. What should my new screenname be?
  62. How can I help my friend with abuse?
  63. Where can I get the My Chemical Romance book?
  64. Where can I get Christmas Java games for my website?
  65. Logitech MX 1000 mouse is acting up & not responding, ideas?
  66. Do you think pleated front pants make guys look fat?
  67. Do you think it will work? I think I will get him!
  68. What should me and my boyfriend talk about on the phone?
  69. Does DEBS have sales a lot in Utah?
  70. Will this stop pregnancy?
  71. How do I let a guy know what I want to do?
  72. Should I go out with a geek?
  73. How can I make my hair NOT orange?!
  74. How do I get my picture on my website?
  75. How can I lose 15 pounds?
  76. Do you like this Avril Lavigne song?
  77. What are the signs a guy likes you?
  78. How do I preheat the oven?
  79. What jobs can I get at 13?
  80. Are there any jobs for a convicted DUI felon?
  81. What is That's So Raven like?
  82. What is it like to be a movie star?
  83. How can a hardworking guy find a girl?
  84. Best time in cycle for unprotected sex?
  85. Where do we go from here?
  86. Why hasn't he called me? (continued)
  87. Why hasn't he called me?
  88. How Do You Determine Your Hat Size?
  89. Why is there liquid when I orgasm?
  90. How can I get my financial situation settled?
  91. How can I get rid of my double chin?
  92. Did your partner used to be a good friend?
  93. Do I have a cavity?
  94. How can I stop Diablo II expansion hacking?
  95. Do you know any good cheat sites?
  96. What is this bump on my tongue?
  97. Is it normal to be spotting regularly?
  98. What's the nicest type of car you've ever seen & why?
  99. Hiding money from the IRS: bad idea #23
  100. How can I get an ID card without my birth certificate?