How can I lose 30lbs fast?

I weight 170 and want to get to 140. I really want to loose 30 pounds, is it possible to do in 1 month and 3 weeks? If you have any tips to help me, email me at

Answer #1

HEY! ok so i’ve tried it all. Weight Watchers, slim fast, atkins, trimspa….. and let me say. what i think works the best is eating a lot of salad, and munching on crushed ice for snacks. also, try diet suppliments with Hoodia in it. u can get it at GNC it can range from 30-90$ but it WORKS! i swear by it. i lost 17lbs in like 11 days! make sure the bottle says its from AFRICAN HOODIA PLANTS or its not real.. if u want something cheaper, try green tea pills..<3 the best way too loose it is water, diet, and excercise… CUT THOSE PORTIONS IN HALF! <3333 good luck babe

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