Could I be pregnant?

I had sex with my boyfriend a few days ago and we didn’t use anything, He pulled out but it was kind of a last minute thing. Does that still mean some may have gotten in me?

Answer #1

I’ve read a lot of articles online which were posted by actual doctors and there’s the argument that precum doesn’t contain any sperm because precum is made from a tottally different gland. The way that there can be sperm in precum, is if the guy didn’t urinate in between sessions (it flushes out the urethra). But the chance of pregnancy is extremely low. BUT the closer you are to cumming, the more chance you have of him expelling his sperm. I know there’s is going to be some people who are going to disagree with what I stated above, I’ve been in these stressful situations before and OMG trust me I was researching online till the crack of dawn. I’m not expecting for you to believe what I stated, but if you do the research that are conducted by doctors and not by angry random people, they do state that sperm is not found in precum. But use protection anyway, beats having to worry if he pulled out in time! :)

Answer #2

Either way, there is a slight chance some sperm went inside you. Dont play with fire…….if there is any chance of you becoming pregnant DONT DO IT! why take the risk? be smarter and only have unprotected sex if you are on birth control even then its not 100% either but its safer then no chance isnt it.

Answer #3

Yes. There are sperm in pre-cum (the natural lubricant that the guy produces) which is secreted all the way through, not just at orgasm. That’s why withdrawal is never really secure. You could be pregnant.

Answer #4

well even if itr didnt there is always pre cum so go to the store and get a test

Answer #5

There is a CHANCE however small but that makes the answer to your question, YES.

If it is still within 5 days of unprotected intercourse try getting the Emergency Contraceptive Pill. If an egg HAS been fertilized, then ECP may still prevent it from implanting into your uterine wall.

If the absence of a condom(which is the ONLY form of BC that protects against STDs) is something that will happen again, then perhaps you should go on some kind of hormonal birth control. You should see a gyno now that you are sexually active to make sure you are healthy sexually and remain that way. Annual visits are a must to keep you healthy and aware of any concerns such as STDs or cancer.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice