How do I find true love?

What should I do to have a true lover?

Answer #1

u dont fin them they find u that is wat i learned cause i waz lookin for mine but he just came to me so just wait for them to come around

Answer #2

isnt that the age old question. Well Temesgen, let me reccoment, ive heard great things. just kidding, try spending time in places where u could meet someone with the same intrests, (I.E Barnes and Noble, a World Food Market, the beach) True love is ONCE IN A LIFETIME and i strongly believe in destiny. dont try to hard to find love, b/c it will hit u when u least expect it. I met my true love while stopped at a red traffic light on the way home from my then boyfriends house. So, keep ur eyes open, and dont worry so much about it… best of luck babe <33

Answer #3

Oh man! I can tell you that you can’t look for love, it has to find you. In fact, hide! Jk lol, but I mean trust me when I met my current bf I was not in the mood to be discovered. I was applying at the 99¢ store! Lol, and he pursued me. Love just literally sneaks up on you when you least expect it. Don’t worry about it so much cuz ur not the only person out there who feels that way. I was my bfs first gf and he was 23! Don’t forget to go hide!

Answer #4


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