Should I stay with him or go?

I love a boii named Donte and he loves me and I asked him where is our relationship going and he said that he doesn’t know (note we already went together 2 times). Then I asked him how he not going to know and what is holding him back, and that if he loved me then he would want me back right?? Two days before Valentine’s Day, he put some candy and a love note in my locker at school. I wrote him back and he hasn’t written me back yet cause school has been out the last days and I wrote another letter but didn’t give it to him yet cause I haven’t seen him. (note that he lives 30 minutes away from me) and I’m not allowed around his neighborhood cause it is bad). We talk on the phone all the time but lately he has been acting weird but my real question is should I keep waiting for him even though he said he doesn’t think anything is going to happen but he said he doesn’t know???? And another question do you really think he could love me or just trying to break my heart????

Answer #1

To early to tell, you replied to his gesture by giving him a note, not wait for his reply and when you speak to him again tell him that you dont like being kept in the dark and all you want to know is whether to wait a bit longer becos it will happen eventually, or if he has no intention in asking you out again to tell you so you can start moving on.

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